How To: Find Vintage Clothes You Love

I'm such a fan of getting dolled up. Since I was little, I was always told by my parents that I was overdressed. As I've grown older, that still seems to the norm for me. If there's an occasion, I'm taking advantage of pulling out favorite dresses or putting on new loves. This gold suit is one of my all time favorite purchases. I bought it when Erin Fetherston did a line for Target a few years ago. From the simple shape to the hemline and sleeveline proportions. The entire ensemble is classic, feminine and slightly retro.

Although it's no longer available, nor the top worn underneath which was found at a vintage store - I thought today would be a good time to share a few tips on vintage shopping. I am an expert at finding treasures at vintage shops. I've been doing it since I was a little kid. My summers were oftentimes spent in Birmingham, Alabama visiting my grandparents where we would sift through the racks of clothing for hours. I remember finding suede skirts, retro scarves and many other fun items over the years. One of my favorite clutches (last seen here), was bought from one of those stores almost two decades ago.

Here are a few ways to find good steals on your next trip:

  • Look for quality materials - Finding good quality means looking at what the clothing is actually made of. Look for cotton, silk, wool and felt. 
  • Don't judge a book by it's size - The sizing is VERY different depending on when the items were constructed. The older the item, the smaller the sizes usually run. I usually wear a pretty small size, but find that I can sift through the medium racks for items. Also, if I want something to fit a little looser, going up a size is probably a good idea.
  • Try it on - As much as I hate to go into dressing rooms, I recommend trying vintage on if you have the opportunity to. Since sizing is different, if you put it on - it's easier to make wise decisions. Also, it's easier to see how the item was constructed.
  • Be prepared to spend time - Reserve an afternoon. If you are rushed, it's frustrating. 
  • Ask the staff - Usually vintage shops are owned by local businesses or run by the owner. If you are looking for something specific, ask. Also, getting to know the people who spend the most time there ensures you may be able to snag items in the future. Shop regularly.
  • Bring the right undergarments and accessories - Have a pair of heels in your bag and a good bra. You'll want to get a good idea, so make sure you come prepared.
  • Pinterest on your cell - Create a vintage board and use for inspiration when you are out looking. It can keep you on task, but also help you think of what you want to pick up. Also, if you are looking for something specific, you can show the staff with the click of a picture.

Today I decided to go with a monochromatic look with shades of gold for my holiday outfit. The shorter hem is balanced with a necktie blouse and simple jacket. I love how the giant buttons really give this a vintage vibe on the jacket. I decided a pop of red on my shoe and lip would be the perfect compliment for today's outfit.

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