Three Heel Clicks Makeover

Welcome! First and foremost, thank you all for following along. I deeply appreciate your support and interest over the past two years. I am so excited to announce that Three Heel Clicks is taking a turn for 2015! One of my goals this year is to shape the blog into a website that hosts a variety of lifestyle content. I will add more features over the next few months to include DIY projects, travel, interior design (what I went to college for) and finally, a shopping feature. 

One of my other focuses this year is to show how to reuse, recycle and refurbish items you already have. In this consumerism driven age, I think it's important to maintain sustainability. Throughout the coming months I will showcase how to retrofit items you may have in your closet or home to give you a fresh take on something you've had forever. It's hard to part with items you really love, but as I gathered pieces over the years - I realized just how important it is to keep things feeling new!

Another subject I am adding is travel. I grew up as a military brat with a nomadic lifestyle. I haven't shared some of my packing, travel or hotel tips in the past. However, as the blog evolves you will see more about the trips I take (or have taken), best practices and some amazing places around the world. I truly hope to inspire each of you in the future to break out of your shell and try new things. Experiencing a variety of cultures at an early age really shaped who I am now.

Please feel free to comment or email me  - I love to hear from followers and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

With Warmest Wishes,

- Crystal, Founder of Three Heel Clicks