Yellow Polka Dots

Dress: DIY. Blazer: Cotton On (Another version here). Shoes: Dolce Vita. Purse: Michael Kors. (check out yesterday's post for purse and shoe details.)

It all began when I posted the picture above with the pink dress and yellow background. It's one of the  most inspiring color schemes I've seen in a long time. I've scoured my Pinterest account, but cannot find the original source for what I would call - blush // taxi yellow. So here we are with today's entry. I made this dress a long time ago from a post I found called "The Pillowcase Dress." It's basically two rectangles with a drawstring ribbon for a neckline. I went through a huge phase where I constantly made my own clothing. If you are interested in more DIY posts - please comment! I love the feedback.

For this outfit, I decided to a twist on this sundress. Here I wore the same pink I wore in the post I reference above, but did it in a blazer.I love how the cuffed sleeve and lining compliments the dots on my dress. I encourage you to mix patterns that are similar in shape or contrast a pattern with a stripe. Also, if you want to add the same sort of lining to a blazer you have, just take a picture of what you want to a tailor or bring them fabric. It's very inexpensive to add a faux cuff liner to a blazer you already own!