< Gingham Love >

I love the weekend. Being that I have a regular "corporate" job, my weekends are free time to do and explore. One of my favorite things is to get outdoors. If it wasn't 100% humidity and 100 degrees, you'd probably find me sleeping outside. There is something about a cool breeze blowing that just invigorates me. Today I went to one of my favorite parks to watch the ducks cross the water and just get away from it all!

I've been eying gingham prints for the past few months since they have been on almost every fashion blogger's site I follow. I finally broke down and bought this dress. Although it's no longer available, I found two that are really similar - check them out here and here. Gingham has a sort of retro feel. It's almost 50's like. I decided to wear my tassel loafers and of course, a big floppy hat. I just can't seem to get enough hats lately.

Don't you just love these heart sunglasses? I bought them at a discount store for less than $10! I love the way white rims look when you wear sunglasses. They instantly make any outfit fresh and fun!


Dress: Forever 21 (similar here and here) // Loafers: Dollhouse (love these) // Sunnies: Random - similar here // Hat: Old Navy // Purse: Michael Kors