Posts tagged Dark Circles
Anti-aging Skincare for Autumn

This year I turned 35! Yes, I know… hard to believe I’m closer to 40 than 30 these days. With age comes many factors like fine lines, discoloration and even dreaded wrinkles. To combat some of this I’ve been incorporating new anti-aging products into my skincare routine. Every few months I like to switch things up in my regimen as the seasons change. As Fall and Winter approach our typical humid and hot climate is replaced with cooler, drier and windier weather. In my twenties and even early thirties I used to use whatever cleanser I could find that was reasonable and slap on a mask whenever I remembered to expecting glowing skin to emerge. Now I know better. Great skin requires a solid regimen and healthy lifestyle! Here are a few products and tips for glowing skin whether you are in your twenties or sixties!

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