A Gal's Guide: Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is quickly approaching! I don’t know about you, but I want to be comfy for the day of feasting with the family. I put together a sort of look book for a few ideas on what to wear for the day of elastic waistbands. I’m a big believer in getting all dolled up for the holidays, but as I get older I’ve realized that my wardrobe should really reflect not just “a look” for something fancy, but also casual looks as well. 

I’m usually the most overdressed at any occasion. This year, I plan on sporting boots, leggings and something similar to what I’m wearing here. A slouchy sweater, striped top and soft scarf makes this outfit cozy, but cute! After all, comfy doesn’t have to be lazy. These boots were given to me for Christmas one year and I have to say – they are my go to for lazy weekend mornings. They are lined with warm fleece and roomy enough to go for a good walk without making my feet ache. Actually, they kinda feel like I’m walking on pillows.

I’m usually the most overdressed at any occasion. This year, I plan on sporting boots, leggings and something similar to what I’m wearing here. A slouchy sweater, striped top and soft scarf makes this outfit cozy, but cute! After all, comfy doesn’t have to be lazy. These boots were given to me for Christmas one year and I have to say – they are my go to for lazy weekend mornings. They are lined with warm fleece and roomy enough to go for a good walk without making my feet ache. Actually, they kinda feel like I’m walking on pillows.

I’m spending Thanksgiving in College Station this year with my family. I’m so excited since it’s both my brother and sister will be there. It’s fun to get all of the kids together now that we are grown up! We share lots of stories and my Mom always makes the best squash casserole. We usually fight over any of the leftovers. Since I eat mostly vegan these days, I do not join in on turkey – but prefer to make a plate of mostly sides. Here are a few tips on staying healthy for Thanksgiving Day:

1.       Portion Control – It’s all about portions. I usually fill my plate with a few bites of each dish. If you’ve ever read French Women Don't Get Fat – it talks about the 3 bite rule. Try 3 bites of anything you want. Eat slowly and then decide if you want to go back for more.

2.       Variety is the spice of life – By eating small portions of lots of things, you’ll find that you still get a good amount of nutrients and a variety of vitamins.

3.       Drink Water – Lots and lots. Enough said.

4.       Eat breakfast and snack beforehand – Don’t wait until the big meal to eat. Eat a light healthy breakfast and then snack on something if you are going to have a late lunch or dinner with the family. Carrots and yogurt are one of my favorites (I do vegan yogurt, but Greek yogurt is pretty yummy).

5.       Take a walk – Walk before and after you eat. I like to take a stroll when the sun is coming up on most mornings I don’t have to be at work, but it’s good for your digestion system to walk after you eat. 

Finally, what to wear – check out the board I’ve put together for some of my favorite pieces for Thanksgiving. My basic uniform is a sweater, striped shirt, boots, and leggings. Add a scarf and a strong lip color. Also, it doesn’t hurt to throw a pair of cute flats in your tote or car in case you guys decide to go to a movie or out for an activity later that evening! Happy Thanksgiving!

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