Lemons & Layers

Wow! Have the weekends flown by. I am working towards a goal of walking 39 miles in a weekend to help support a local charity event next Spring. Part of being able to be a part of that is actually preparing my body for that much activity. I walk on average between 10-15k steps a day, but 20 miles in a single day is very aggressive to say the least. Well, over the past few weekends, I’ve strived to get at least 6 or 7 miles in over both Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes, I walk to go get coffee while other times I try to hike in new areas or paths I just haven’t taken in a while.

This past weekend was no different. I actually hit 20 miles in two days! Changing up which trails I would take was a big part of that success. If you are a local Houstonian and have never taken time to take a walk around Memorial Park – it’s great on a Saturday morning. There are tons of runners and walkers – no bikes allowed! It’s also a very social place to walk. Even though it was a little misty that morning, it didn’t seem to stop many people from showing up. 

Later that afternoon I headed to one of the other parks here in Houston I love to visit – Terry Hershey. It’s miles upon miles of hiking, biking and walking trails. You can walk really far in a single direction and the trail is marked so you can leave your cell phone in the car. It’s really a great place if you want to go hiking through a rougher terrain or if you are looking for hills

I have a few more upcoming hikes scheduled over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for other Houston area tips and trails. I also plan on kayaking soon. I’ve never gone and it’s on my bucket list for January. Speaking of bucket lists – have you checked off anything for the holidays? I posted a version of mine and am about 40% of the way through. I’ve found if you actually put your goals in writing, they seem to come to life. I’ll be working on a health and fitness list for January over the next few weeks – so check back at the end of the year for some health & wellness inspiration.

Speaking of goals, I'm also wrapping up the creation of my goals for the blog next year. I plan on incorporating more video content into the blog and a newsletter. I'm really excited about launching this. If you would like to sign up for the newsletter, go ahead on my Home page on the right side - don't worry, I won't share your info or SPAM you!

Now, onto the outfit. Today’s post was about layering. As the temps drop, it’s time to bundle up. Layers are great so you can remove or add as needed. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to find things that look good. I purchased many of the items I’m wearing on clearance and matched them up with a good quality bag. Just keep an eye out when you see those racks. Mix vintage with high quality accessories or trendy with something more classic. I went for a sort of all-American look today, but tried not to make it over the top matchy-matchy. This outfit is actually a really great look for camping or if you wear it with weatherproof boots, a good look for the snow.

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