Biscuit Paint Wall

Lately, I've posted a few reads about different outdoor parks around the Houston area to visit if you are looking to get some fresh air. I wanted to share a little bit today about one of the most colorful places in the city - Montrose. I've been lucky enough to live in all parts of Houston, from the inner loop area of the Heights all the way out to the suburbs of Katy and Cypress. Each pocket has a different flavor and feel. Montrose is one of my favorite spots to go to for lunch, shopping and just walking around to look at art. The area is really colorful and has a very lively vibe.

These photographs were taken outside of a store called Biscuit Home along Westheimer. Westheimer Road is a very long road stretching for about 20 miles or so. This part of the road is right next to downtown and you can easily see all of the skyscrapers. I really like to get over there every now and then just to see what's new. There are tons are art shops (and tattoo parlors if you are into that sort of thing), and it's not far from the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. I'm doing an upcoming post this week  and starting a new series called - Travel Your City. I am looking to collaborate with others in other cities if you are interested - please email me at I'd love to get feedback about what to do in other parts of the world!

I'm going to be posting more about traveling Houston, TX in the upcoming months. So many people I've met over the years who do not live in Houston have a different idea about the city and what it's like. Because Houston is just so large we are lucky enough to have everything from a Chinatown (where streets are not in English but Chinese) to this hipster area of Montrose. We really have all sorts of places to go and things to see that I wanted to share some of my favorites with you guys!

So about the clothes I'm wearing today. As I continue to define my wardrobe this year, blush is my favorite color. I've always been a pink kind of gal and was a ballet dancer for years. This color is really special to me and I love the peachy hue it gives. I've found that blush compliments many skin tones and can really act as a neutral. I decided today to wear it from head to toe. I've had these shoes and this bag for a really long time, but found a few similar ones here and here.

When you find things that work for you - they last. No matter how much they cost. I love when Target and Kohls works with high end designers. I've found their items have good construction and better quality materials for a great price point. This clutch was one from Loefller Randall from about a decade ago! I know, can you believe it? I've worn it over and over and over again. It's been one of those go-to bags for an evening out. 

I rarely shop in entire outfits. When I buy something I purchase in singles and look at the fabric, cut and does it go with my general "look." Most of my closet is filled with classic, feminine but whimsical pieces. I'd recommend if you are overhauling your closet to think about what sort of look you are going for - are you a minimalist? Are you casual with a tomboy flair? Do you find yourself in jeans more often or skirts? Also, what colors are in your home or on your walls? 

If you really don't know where to start, I'd say get on Pinterest and start pinning. Narrow your look down by finding trends. I noticed last year I wasn't adding very many neutrals to my wardrobe, so I created a board called Neutral Love and started pinning looks of homes and outfits I really liked. I found that instead of black, I gravitated more towards camel, white/cream and gray. Also, I love navy. So, it's now easier for me when I do look for new items - I know what I like and I can just pull it up on my phone. Another thing is to have a board of "wish list" items. That way when you are shopping, you know what you need and don't get distracted. Do you guys have any other shopping tips? 

Shop the Look: