< Blue Goddess >

Dress // Wedges

Wow! I can't believe it's July. Happy 4th for all of you Americans! Today I decided to wear a cobalt maxi in honor of my country's colors. Yesterday's post was red, and today's is blue. I love the way this dress moves. It's graceful but comfortable and perfect for the beach. If I could live in one climate I would always choose being at the beach. The breezy wind in my slightly curly hair, the sand in my toes and the relaxing waves that crash against the shoreline. I could fall asleep every night listening to those sounds.

I expressed my love for maxi's over the past year. Being more petitie, it's been a journey to find those that are flattering, but over time, I've isolated the shapes that fit me best. This one I literally bough for $5 at a Wal-mart. No, I usually don't shop there, but every now and then when I am in a pinch I find myself grabbing an item or two while picking up essentials.