< Sizzlin' >

Happy Fourth of July weekend! I thought I'd kick this weekend off with a perfect red dress. I am so excited about have three days off! I have plans to be at the pool, yoga, walk along the beach and visit my family on Sunday. Over the next few days, expect lots of red, white and blue on the posts I do. This was a dress I picked up really inexpensive, so I thought I'd share a few others that caught my eye - check out this one and this one. Wedges are a must have for me for footwear throughout the summer. These come in three different colors - navy, red and the beige I am wearing. I swear I wear them for everything. They also make a great shoe for outdoor events since the heels don't sink every time you walk across the grass.

Also, don't forget a hat! I picked this one up ridiculously inexpensive, but it seems to come out every summer. I love the vintage look a hat brings to any dress. Check out my inspiration post here for more dress and hat combinations! Hope your weekend is off to a sizzlin' start!