Olive Trench

This olive jacket has been getting quit a bit of use out lately. Olive is a funny color. It works well as a neutral, but still gives a little punch. Today I wore it with a pair of crisp white shorts and a casual striped shirt. It was perfect for stomping around on a weekend day. The temps are back in the seventies and eighties which means our short lived winter is over here in Texas.

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Building a transitional wardrobe can be a little overwhelming. Especially if you are one of those people who are selective about every item in you closet. I actually fall on the other end of the spectrum. I like to choose things in pieces instead of full outfits, and I've found that if I don't make a conscious effort to be selective, I can end up with a closet full of orphan items.

A few strategies for building a transitional wardrobe are: know you colors, find fabrics that work for you, and buy repeats. If you find something you like, buy it in two colors. I really strive to narrow my new purchases down to things in blues, pinks, or neutrals. I do really love aqua and yellow, but reserve those for added wardrobe items - not staples. Have a style point of view makes it so much easier to shop. I know that if I buy something in blush, pale pink or a peach I'll wear it a hundred times.

I also love camel. I wear it more often than black or brown so now when I find something in a neutral that's needed - that's where I begin. For today, I wore light colors to balance this olive jacket. The jacket was perfect as the breeze blew into the evening. The boots were comfortable as I took an afternoon stroll after getting tacos with a dear friend off Washington. Then, ran a few errands before retiring for the evening. I kept the outfit simple and classic but still looks fresh.

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