Be My Valentine

I don't think I'll ever tire of this color. I was always a girly girl growing up. Give me lace, ruffles and anything involving a sequin. Establishing your signature color really makes shopping a breeze. I often play with texture not color. This is a great example. There is small pieces of embroidery throughout this dress and I thought it would be fun to showcase it as we approach the day of love.

I picked this one up vintage shopping, but found a few options here and here (along with more listed below). Speaking of signatures, finding a great up do that's your easy and goto when you don't feel like doing your hair... is a must in simplifying your life. When I don't wear my hair down, I usually find that a halo braid or simple side braid (traditional braid or fishtail) are quick and easy for me.

Practice a few different things until you find something that works for you. A halo braid is simply two french braids and then you tuck the ends in. It looks complicated, but is REALLY simple. I will say, I had to practice a few times, but once I got it down - it's about a 5 minute activity and I get so many compliments on it. If you are looking for more Hair-spiration check out this Pinterest Board. It's full of fun stuff.  But whatever you decide, pick a signature so you can make getting dressed easier and still look classy.

By the way, if you are looking for a great place to eat on Valentine's Day - check out Tony Mandola's Gulf Coast Kitchen. The building was recently painted and has a New Orlean's Feel. The service is great and the owners couldn't be sweeter. They are locate inside the 610 loop off Waugh! Their menu boasts of oysters, seafood and delicious pasta.

Shop the Look: