You Are My Sunshine

This is one of my favorite color combinations...  a little utilitarian and a little feminine. I wore this jacket last week with a much more casual vibe here. For today I thought I would go for a more mix and match feel. I like the way the blush color dress (worn here and here) peeks beneath the jacket. It's the perfect hem length for a jacket to go over. I threw on a pair of simple pumps and a metallic tote in case I found something while I was visiting the various shops.

On the weekends, I try to get out and see different parts of the city. Last weekend I went over to the cutest little area off 19th street. If you follow along on Instagram you probably saw this place and this place which are off 19th Street in the Heights in Houston. Houston has so many different vibes and this one is definitely a favorite spot. Shade is a delicious place to stop for brunch and I love their cappuccinos. If you haven't been to Down House, it's another fun spot with a hipster vibe.

All of the buildings are painting bright colors and there's something fun on every corner. It's nice to just walk around and pop in and out of cute vintage, thrift and random shops over there. I am slowly putting together a Best of Houston Guide for travelers, bloggers and even townies... but until then, my Instagram feed showcases a ton of places that I've tried.

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