Travel: Hyde Park, Austin, TX

Sometimes I just get the itch to see something new. It’s this tugging inside of me that really pushes me to explore. That’s exactly what I did yesterday. I ventured out to the neighborhood of Hyde Park in Austin, TX. Austin is one of those cities with so many different flavors. It’s colorful, art centric and has so many nooks and crannies for finding. As many times, as I’ve visited Austin (and even lived there for a short time), I never made it up to Hyde Park. Located just north of the state capitol, it’s easy to access and a little bit of an older side of town. The buildings and homes have been around for years and many of them are renovated.

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I started by visiting the Elisabet Ney museum. Elisabet Ney was a sculpture artist and the building that is now a museum was her studio during the 19th and early 20th century. It was a place for people to gather and talk about art, society and politics. The property wasn’t very large and you can easily tour the entire venue in less than an hour. Many people in the area grabbed a cup of coffee from a local shop down the street and just walked around the property on the exterior.

After visiting the museum, I took a stroll over to Quack’s which boasted of the most delicious baked goods. They had everything from cakes and pies to macaroons. It was really hard to narrow down what I wanted, but finally settled on a cappuccino and chocolate croissant and grabbed the last seat by the window while enjoying the delicious brunch. I’ve recently partnered with Coach to share with you their 1941 collection. I’ve been wearing this denim blue saddle bag. I decided to mix it with a white linen top, white jeans and my favorite over-the-knee boots. I topped it off with a pink toggle coat and floppy felt hat.

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