Posts tagged Jeans
30 Days of Outfits: Day 13

For today’s look, I paired the cutest blazer and fleece-lined jeans from Luvamia available on Amazon. I threw on a V-neck tank top and my new favorite two-toned pumps that are so ladylike from Elizee’s. Designed with ultimate comfort in mind! I think this heel height is perfect for a workday or luncheon. I finished things off with one of my favorite black purses from Michael Kors complete with gold hardware that matches my Kendra Scott gold filigree earrings.

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30 Days of Outfits: Day 5

Today I’m sharing a pretty laid-back look for Day 5 of 30 Days of Outfits! I love this pinstripe blouse paired with a cropped tank. I wore it a few days ago in this post with a skirt but wanted to show you another option for both tops. I love the detail on the sleeves of the overshirt. I added a pair of flared jeans and then wore the same pointy black pumps seen in yesterday’s post. When you are wearing flared pants look for a slender or pointy-toe shoe. It elongates the legs and gives it a chic feel! Finally, I added my favorite baguette from Ewelyni (use code THREEHEELCLICKS50 for 50% off your first order).

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Slowing Down

I’ve been told my whole life I needed to slow down. A life of 12 cities in my first 17 years as a military brat conditioned me to feel like I always had to keep moving. I kept up that pattern in my 20’s and 30’s.

It didn’t matter where I lived, the maximum I could stay anywhere was 2 years before feeling like I needed to switch… switched companies I worked for, switch positions, switch challenges, switch homes…

Some of you experienced a life of constant movement and chaos. You know the feeling I’m describing. It was a need to constantly take on something more because I felt empty. And I longed to feel at home… but nothing was home. It felt like each job, location, and each overcome challenge felt like I was putting clothes on that weren’t me.

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How to Get Your Glow Back

Are you feeling stuck? I understand. I’ve been there several times throughout my life. Sometimes I was facing a blockage that needed to be cleared and other times I had resistance. I’ve found one thing to be true in both situations. If you feel stuck, time to work on yourself. Look to your daily habits, what you are feeding yourself and how much joy you are experiencing. The thing is, we all get off track sometimes. We all have dips and valleys in life. It’s what makes the high points so pleasurable. If you are lacking glow right now, here are five ways to get it back. PS - I recently shared these on Facebook in a quick video!

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Three Techniques to Get Out of a Mental Rut

The mind can be a battlefield. If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack you know firsthand what mental hell is like. In my late twenties and early thirties, I had panic attacks all the time. I mean on the daily and oftentimes multiple times a day. I would freeze and feel like I couldn’t drive my car. I didn’t want to go very many places for fear of getting overstimulated. Being extroverted this felt really difficult. I was torn between what my soul and body wanted to do every day. I needed to bring my body out of fight or flight but being stuck at home to do so in a calm environment was torture in itself because then I was alone with my thoughts. Over time I would get therapy and begin working on training my brain to focus on new things. I would learn different coping techniques that were not full proof but would oftentimes get the job done. It took work. Each day I’d start going down the same worry wormholes and I’d spend time and energy pulling myself out. I figured some of you might be dealing with this, too. Here are three coping tools you can use when you go down a negative mental path:

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Weekend Getaway: What I’m Packing

The past 6 months I have traveled every few weeks somewhere for the weekend. Work, events, and campaigns have taken me all over the place. When you are in a constant travel mode you get accustomed to having some sort of system to pack or you won’t know your right from your left hand. I’ve curated a list of must-haves for most of my trips regardless of the climate. I recommend always bringing something for warm weather (places heat up) and something for cold weather (cold fronts happen). I’ve written a bunch of posts over the years on packing here but today I’m going to focus on classic items you can bring for your next weekend getaway.

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Casual and Classic Western Look

After a really long week and working from home, I threw on an outfit to head out on Friday early evening. We’ve been under a Winter Storm watch all week so I knew I’d have to get home pretty early but a few hours out was better than being cooped up all weekend. I decided to throw on one of my cozy sweaters. This baby is a steal! I’ve worn it recently with this silky skirt in this post for a dressier look. I paired it with my favorite vintage low-cut western boots from Feather’s Boutique in Austin, TX. I’ve been going there for over 15 years and always come out with something in hand. They have an online shop with a curated selection but if you are in the area I recommend stopping by! It’s incredible. You can grab a bite to eat afterward at Guero’s - another favorite of mine! A few months ago I ordered this top-rated pink suede hat on Amazon. It came packaged with a hat mold for storage and is really good quality. These Levi jeans were another buy on Amazon. They are the perfect fit for someone who is looking for a straight leg cut with a defined waist. Hope you guys are having an awesome Sunday!

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Winter Whites

I love drawing inspiration from nature, and this includes the shades of snow that fall this time of year. Although Texas only gets snow on occasion, I still find myself drawn to the beautiful shades of cream and winter white. It’s been on rotation in the closet these past few weeks. For this look, I paired a cream-colored cardigan (that has the sweetest collar) and a fluffy white jacket (similar one here) to create a neutral but not boring look. I paired it with my favorite pair of jeans (that I have in multiple washes) and knee-high tan boots that are under $50!! You could top this look with a camel-colored coat and scarf if you live in a colder environment! I rounded up a ton of my favorite winter white options below!

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Mental Health And The Holidays

Can you believe Thanksgiving is in just two days? I absolutely cannot. After a whirlwind of a weekend traveling, I just got back to my house and was thinking a lot on my drive home about mental health and the next six weeks. Holidays are a time where schedules seem jam packed, the to do lists are endless and there are so many social events that leave a person drained at the end of the day. Furthermore, many companies are closing out their year with inventory counts, end of year sales and crunching budget numbers. As much as the season brings me joy, I also find so much of it to include a lot of additional stressors. When stressors amount life can get really overwhelming and the season can loose it’s luster. Here are a few ways I’m focusing on my mental health this season.

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Favorite Fall Plaids

What is fall without a little plaid? I don’t know about you, but I legit wait for autumn to roll around this time of year so I can bust out all my cozy pieces. Plaid is such a classic print (actually one of the few prints you’ll find in my closet) and as soon as the cool weather hits I pull out all of my plaid pieces. This blazer has some history to it - it was given to my grandmother by her sister. Then, it was passed down to my mom who then passed it to me. I absolutely adore and cherish it! I paired it with a bigger plaid print and my new favorite jeans for a very classic look. Add on navy booties and you’re ready to go. Below is a round-up of more of my favorite plaid pieces and a few plaid looks I’ve shared in the past!

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New Hair For The Holiday Season

After having long hair for about a decade I decided it was time for something fresh. About a month and a half ago I started seeing an acupuncturist who kindly suggested that my headaches might improve if I shed a little hair. Having long hair was kind of my signature and at the time I was resistant to the change. Low and behold I would keep getting a little more and little more interested in the idea each day that passed by. Fast forward to now where I finally pulled the plug! I chopped off about 10lbs of hair and feel incredibly refreshed! I love that new look it brings and cannot wait to try different styles with it! As far as the headaches, well it immediately improved! Maybe I should have done this a little sooner…

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Statement Collars for Fall

Statement collars are here for the Fall and I’m so happy about it. It’s an instant way to give character to an otherwise basic blouse. I’ve rounded up a whole bunch of options below but really love this rich brown eyelet top. I plan to pair it with a pair of overalls for a fall activity like apple or pumpkin picking. For a dressier look or work outfit, I plan to pair it with skinny black pants. Today I decided to wear it with a pair of curvy white jeans as we transition from Summer to Fall with an olive green purse and woven pumps. As we get into the heart of the season I'll be switching it up with deeper tones. Even though it’s not really cool here yet, I can still get in the fall mood by adding autumn colors like burnt orange, mustard, olive and walnut. As the season gets colder I’ll start layering trench coats, sweaters, jackets, over-the-knee boots and rain boots.

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Finding Joy as You Complete Everyday Tasks

Over this past year, I’ve written a lot about finding joy. The truth is a few years ago I went through a huge struggle with joy. My life felt flat during that time. Very little brought me joy. I’d later come to find that I was going through depression and I had to realign things in my life. I need more sleep and consistent sleep. I need to shed things that were weighing me down. I needed daily exercise and better support. It took time to transform all of these things, but when I formed a healthy foundation I was able to laugh and feel joy again. Looking back it wasn’t overnight that my life became joyless and it wasn’t an instant change to move it back on track. Both situations were a series of daily choices made over time. Now I protect my mindset above all else. If I am feeling like I’m in a funk, I make small choices that day to find joy in little things. Here are a few practical ways I choose to find joy when I complete everyday tasks.

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Fall Denim Round Up

Every Fall I make sure to do a quick inventory of my denim, corduroy, and pants so I have exactly what I need for the cooler months. This year I’ve been really leaning towards ankle flared jeans, straight legs, and a solid pair of tan corduroys. Denim really never goes out of style.

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The Long Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend is forever the milestone to kick off summer. Yes, it’s day of honor and rememberance for those who have fought and fallen for our country. It’s also the end of the school year and the start to summer vacation. Iced coffee, sorbet, and gelato, days on the lake, and a long list of summer bucket activities are now the agenda. So much ahead this summer compared to last year’s lockdown. I’m excited about the upcoming months and changes life will offer as I shed things that no longer serve my life and make room for more creativity, joy, and freedom.

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Blue Jean Baby

Since places are opening back up I find myself reaching for something besides a house dress or yoga pants. Enter - vintage fit jeans and this pair has been my favorite pair for almost two years now. They have the perfect high waist and relaxed fit without looking frumpy. I love the bottom and how it almost flares out without looking drastic! If you are in need of a good pair of jeans that never go out of style you need Madewell in your life. I love this sustainable company with high quality materials and craftsmanship.

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The New Work From Home Dress Code

I don’t know about you but I’ve had to get a little creative on how I manage dressing for working from home while maintaining a professional appearance on ZOOM calls. I’ve been in the corporate space for over a decade and required to wear business professional for meetings. Fast forward to today and jumping on ZOOM calls in a full suit isn’t exactly comfortable when you will immediately get off a call and go walk your dog. Welp, time for a new dress code - essentially business on the top and comfy on the bottom. With a little creativity and a lot of stretchy pants you can achieve a comfy but professional at home look sure to fool any client or boss on a web conference meeting.

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Pushing the Outdoor Reset Button

We are already two weeks into 2021 and I don’t know about you, but I’ve found time outdoors is time well spent. Last weekend College Station and a large portion of Central and South East Texas experienced a snow storm. It was odd, but welcomed following a bleak week of political events earlier that week. Social media was soon flooded with pictures of snowmen, snow angels, families getting outdoors and kids having snowball fights. It was one of the most refreshing experiences and I have to tell you it was much needed for all of us.

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Small Town Charm: Coffee and Antique Shopping in Huntsville

It’s been a minute since I posted a Small Town Charm post. Yesterday, I took a day trip to my old college stomping ground in Huntsville, TX. It’s been a few year years since I made that journey and remembered just how pretty it was during the Fall and Spring. It’s about a 45 minute drive from College Station and an hour and a half from Houston. The perfect getaway for antique shopping, coffee and lunch. The sky was a clear blue which made the drive even more enjoyable! I spent a few hours picking up a few gifts in the anitique stores and then grabbed a really delicious Sipsy’s latte at a local coffee shop. Did you know that Huntsville has a ton of history in its downtown and surrounding areas? Yep, in the mid-1800’s it was a spot where General Sam Houston stayed! In fact, the corner I’m standing on below was a location he spent time in! History is so much fun when you start imaging all of the places and situations people have been in before in the exact same spots.

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An Autumn To Remember

This season is one to remember in many ways. I am filled with gratitude as I write these word sitting cross legged on my couch. My new couch for that matter. About a month ago I was attending an online yoga class and the instructor talked about how shedding baggage during Fall. You can read more about that concept in this post, but I realized I had some emotional baggage that I just needed to let go. Guess what? As soon as I let those things go that no longer served me in life I was able to make room for more gratitude. With gratitude comes joy. What no longer served me was relinquished so that I could have mental space to enjoy what was right in front of me.

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