Perfecting Your Morning Routine

Photograph taken at the charming - Victory Rose Bed & Breakfast

Photograph taken at the charming - Victory Rose Bed & Breakfast

I’ve noticed over the past two years that my morning routine is pretty similar every day. I used to leave in a flurry every morning but now that I have to get my daughter ready and have a dog I’ve had to be a little more organized. I also have been conscientious of having better health from hydration to eating a good breakfast. It all adds up! Here are a few ways I’ve perfected my morning routine:

Keep it Simple

I oftentimes only shower at night instead of a second shower in the morning, but I keep my getting ready routine to 30 minutes or less so I still have time to walk the dog. Usually I put my makeup on once I get to my destination (preferably in the car so I have natural lighting). I also have a few go-to hairstyles I can do in 5 minutes or less to make sure I don’t get overwhelmed in the morning.

Good Skincare Goes a Long Way

This is an area I don’t scrimp on anymore. I start by washing my face in the shower or if I don’t shower I cleanse at my sink. I usually use toner pads for a quick swipe. I apply lotion to my whole body before getting dressed while the toner is setting. Finally, I add spot treatment (if needed) and moisturizer to my face. Since I wait a while to put my makeup on after that it allows the moisturizer to soak in and I’ve noticed results when doing this consistently.

Take a Walk

Whether it’s just around the block or good twenty to thirty minutes, a walk really helps get me going every morning. Now that I have Violet, it’s important for me to make time for her to get a little exercise before I leave for the day. It also puts an emphasis on exercise for the day and immediately adds a good 1,000-2,000 steps in before I’ve even left the house. Typically I can walk 1,000 steps in about 10 minutes.

Hydration and Vitamin Intake

This is a newer part of my morning routine but I drink a large glass of water and add EmergenC’s along with two gummy multi-vitamins every morning. I had pneumonia earlier this past Fall so making sure I get plenty of vitamins and minerals is a huge priority. I also prefer to drink water before I have my first cup of coffee to ensure I stay hydrated.

Eat Breakfast

I’ve mentioned this before on the blog, but I used to skip breakfast and just live on coffee in my twenties. Now, I find breakfast to be imperative. I usually eat it once I’m at the office (about an hour or two after I awake). I keep this oatmeal at my desk or I’ll bring cooked eggs and fruit. It’s usually on the lighter side, but breakfast is so important to get your metabolism going. If you aren’t one who likes a lot in the morning try eating a banana or making a smoothie.

As 2018 moves forward there are a few more things I’d like to add to my routine to include reading daily inspirational things – maybe a book or a blog. I’d also like to add 15 minutes of yoga onto my morning routine for toning. I am pretty consistent with getting steps in, but terrible about consistent structured workouts. I’d love to hear any suggestions you guys have for making your mornings better?