A Changing World


These past few weeks left me in a blur… I am sure many of you feel the same way. Our world was stuffed into a strange time warp… Many of you guys are empaths and I know recent events have cause your hearts to cry out. I am listening. Many of you are also logics who are searching for answers to ambiguous questions. I am right here with you. We are frustrated, confused and many of us aren’t sure how we should react. I feel your pain and I am here to tell you that this is your opportunity to rise.

I have been replaying many events over the past few days from my childhood. Let’s back up and I’ll explain how things map to current events. I grew up as an army brat. My entire childhood consisted of move after move. Sometimes we moved to places where I fit in… many places I was the oddball. We lived in foreign countries where not everyone was kind to us or valued our presence as a military dependent. I remember as a teenager we would check the threat level on the tv before leaving base in the event there were demonstrations or protests going on in the city.

I’ve experience a very small amount of rudeness based on my own cultural background (nothing in comparison to generational mistreatment, but a small taste). I’ve been asked to leave a store and restaurants because I was of western culture. These things happen when you travel. I expect these things. I learned over time to develop of thick skin and not take it personally. I think a lot of that was because I knew in my home country things would be safe. I cannot imagine what it would be like to feel unsafe because of my culture in my own country. My heart goes out to those who have endured such oppression and cruelty.

But the things happening on our American soil right now are something different… It’s the first time I can remember in my entire life I have felt shaken to my core and angered by choices our leaders have made. I am more disappointed in our leaders in offices reaction to what’s happening than anything. So much of what has come to light has been existing for hundreds of years… but it’s now being exposed under the media’s microscopes and those we’ve looked to for guidance are adding tension.

For years I’ve observed how minorities are treated within our court system and predominantly caucasian civilian cities. I am not here to take a political side but I will tell you these groups have experienced repeated suppression over the years. Over and over and over and it just has to stop.

If we choose to be a great society… an American society a free nation under God… then let’s get our act together. All of us. Let’s make a change… I’m not talking about making a change by voicing opinions or protesting…. I’m talking about making change through our daily interactions.

Take the time to slow down and listen to someone’s history and background. Hear their pain and their joyful memories. Be a person of deep compassion and help someone today feel valued, feel worthy and feel loved. Appreciate cultures of minorities within your geographical area and derive inspiration from all of them! This is a huge world with so much to explore, but we can’t have the freedom to explore if we are in prison by our mindset.

Do not merely be a person of words and opinions but a living vessel of light!! Be the positive! Share the good right now! We all need it. Let’s build each other up and rise together to surpass the historical limitations our ancestors bound us to. Let’s break free together - all my love, Crystal

*There is a whole lot more to thoughts on this subject but I believe to make a change we have to start with our mindset and compassion.

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