Mother’s Day Recap


This year Mother’s Day was probably one of my best days of 2020! Over the past two months I’ve spent a large amount of time alone in self-quarantine after I let my daughter go to grandma and grandpas for a vacation. It’s been a blessing in some ways because I truly dont remember the last time I had alone time. Some of us thrive in life around lots of people, while others need extra time to learn independently. I am a very independent learner and decided it was time to deep dive into a few projects that benefit us in the long run. On top of that, my dad works in the disaster management and relief industry!!! I’m going to share more information around his perspective on the pandemic soon!! Stay tuned for that!


Long story short, I’ve been alone for almost two months. Which is unbelievable! I apologize in advance for any awkward communication from me when I finally come into contact with another human…lol… anyone else who is quarantined alone feel that way? Like you show up and throw up on people now?


Back to Mothers Day. I’m about an hour away and drove up Saturday afternoon. We headed to Research Park at Texas A&M to spend time drawing and just enjoying the perfect Spring weather. The sun was out, it wasn’t too hot and the breeze gently blowing across the pond. We sat there with the dog and drew on our sketchbooks as if we were part of a 19th century impressionist painting. It was glorious and perfect filled with laughter and giggles.


Being a momma is hard some days, but oh my gosh was my heart so full this weekend! Literally - so incredibly full!!! There was absolutely nothing more perfect than sitting there with her this weekend. I made a decision prior to her birth that I would spend time throughout her life sharing things like this with her. She’s been taken to more antique shops, museums and historical attractions than most adults. I did that on purpose - I intentionally chose to give her a childhood filled with meaning, culture and a broad global perspective. We spend a ton of time in conversations together on long walks. I’m telling you, if you want to get to know a person walk with them for hours. They will tell you. It eventually comes out when there aren’t distractions.


After the park, we headed to the historic downtown area to photograph. Over the years, she has helped so much in capturing images for the blog. We started when she was three. I know before you think I’m crazy (which I probably am but effectively nuts), hear me out: She takes better photographs now than 95% of people I know. She understands composition, lighting, exposure and how to operate an actual camera. Although we shoot mostly using cell phones - currently iPhone X - this is a huge skill for someone to master in our digital world.


Every child has the capacity to learn skills from an early age. I love getting to teach her about creating and capturing beautiful and meaningful moments. We have probably hundreds of thousands of photographs of the two of us all over the United States. After our walk and photography around town. We spent the day eating dinner together with the family. It was a day I will cherish in my heart forever.


Happy Belated Mother’s Day to those who are moms, have moms and lost moms!