Simple Jeans and Blouse with Bow Touches


I haven’t written much about Fashion these past few posts. Three Heel Clicks was orginally started in 2012 as a DIY blog. Yep, I’m sure the posts are somewhere out there, but I began incorporating fashion over time because of two reasons - it was easy content to produce and my audience constantly asked where I found different items. Over the course of eight years my life changed and therefore the blog expanded. I began taking on new ventures like beauty topics due to having crazing issues with hormonal acne. I also started incorporating more diet and fitness posts. As a I traveled, I wrote more about places I visited to share hidden gems with each of you. Thank you so much for following along in this almost a decade long project! Some of you are new, some of you have been here since the beginning years but this blog wouldn’t be possible without each of you!


So let’s talk about Fall. I live now in College Station, TX. It’s usually nine months Summer and Spring weather and we get a few leaves fall around November. Then the rain sets in and maybe we get a few below freezing days to pull out a coat. I have to get creative when it comes to wearing Fall items due to the climate being more on the warm side. A few ways I do this is swap out bright colors with orange, cinnamon, burgundy and of course navy. I love navy blue. I wear black on occasion - but navy has a primer spot in my closet. Today’s outfit is classic and feminine with touches of bows and a mix of textures. I added a quick bow to my hair for a little back-to-school feel. I love incorporating touches like that during this time of year!

My shirt is vintage, but you can grab a few similar ones here and here. Some of you are lucky and you have already been able to wear jeans over the past month. Our temperatures are just now seeing below 90 degrees and I’ll use any excuse to pull mine out. I wear white long after Labor Day and prefer to write my own rules when it comes to styling something. This pair has a great fit and perfect length for petite girls. I barely clear 5’0 and these run TTS without any alternations on the hem.


One way I’ve found I can easily transition to colder climates is to change out the textures of my shoes. I begin putting away sandals and espadrilles, instead pulling out velvet mules like these or suede booties. Simple swaps like that can make a load of difference. I’ll also start rotating my cowboy boots and over the knee boots into my wardrobe over the next few weeks. Because our weather is on the warmer side I’ll stick to jackets like a trench coat or teddy coat for the cooler mornings. Finally, I rotate out my summer purses like straw totes and swap for richer hues and luxurious fabrics like this navy satin.

I asked this earlier in the week on Facebook so if you don’t follow head over there for fun tutorials and lots of beauty products - but what are some of your favorite Fall pieces to wear?

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