Back from Birth

The past 6 weeks have been a complete blur. A month and a half ago I gave birth to our son Maximilian Everest Lowy at 8:16pm. It was complete joy and I’m so thankful he’s finally here. With that being said, I’ve been in the newborn cocoon with my husband in a blur of breastfeeding, a 24-hour schedule, a little sleep deprivation, and a lot of eating. I am so lucky to have my husband as we transition into this new phase in life.

Sometimes life brings you periods where you can only focus on one thing and for the past month and a half I was hyper-focused on getting the baby taken care of and recovering from birth. Just recently I began doing things like taking walks and driving. That first month I really tried to stay at home as much as possible to give my body downtime and spend time with our new family.

It went great but I’m now ready to get back into some of my routines and one of them is blogging! I love being able to share insights into life using the blog! I have some really inspiring posts coming up about how my husband and I did a courthouse wedding, having a natural birth without a hospital, and tips for life with a newborn. Until then, you can always follow along with my most recent looks on Instagram and on the Daily Looks page! I love to post content almost daily there and it’s been one of my favorite platforms to share style tips with you!

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement these past few months! Looking forward to our new era in life.

XOXO, Crystal