Give Thanks

Today is one of the most important days of the year for most Americans. I was listening to the radio this morning about an English blogger who stated in Europe they do not have this sort of holiday. I think it's really special that we spend a day in our culture expressing gratitude for the things we truly appreciate. My family, friends, job and readers are something I am truly grateful for. Over the past few months, my life has made a huge transformation and I'm so thankful for those who have been influencing those changes. I love you all from the depths of my heart - fans, family, old friends and new.

With that, I immediately pulled out all my favorite winter pieces. I actually have a full closet full of actual coats (I know, a little overboard for somewhere that has summer 10 months a year). However, I can't seem to part with them, and when I travel they come in handy. This jacket was a new edition (last worn here). I like it because it's a little over-sized in the sleeves (I'm in an XS), so wearing a shirt and sweater underneath was doable without feeling bulky.

The other thing I like about the jacket is the texture and weight. It's not too heavy, so I can see it getting  alot of use over the next few months by throwing over dress. It would be cool enough for our breezy afternoons, but warm enough to withstand some of the afternoon temps. I recently wore this sweater, shirt and jeans combo to work with a pair of over the knee flat boots and a cross-body in a rich cognac color. I received quite a few compliments that day and decided it would be perfect weekend wear. Since it's still a little muddy out, rain boots were a must.

I like the softness of the gray, pink and taupe colored boots. The pink almost turns to a neutral with the lightness of the other two colors. Gray is unfamiliar territory for me. I rarely wear it since it washes me out, but this softer shade really complements the cream in the coat and sweater. 

A cold front finally blew in last weekend! I am so excited. I happen to love cold weather. I grew up living in 12 cities, 4 states, and on 3 continents. Believe me, I've had my fair share of places that dipped below freezing. Houston is so different. It's cold for a day or two...or even a week or two and then you are back to muggy temperatures. Especially, because we are so near the coast. I wish we had the stable weather that Southern Cali has, but the winter here is truly unpredictable. 

I've also really been into various kinds of hats - see here, here, here and here. Now there are cooler temperatures, I'm all about a good knit one. Target actually has a ton of these at fairly good price points. I picked this one up for less than $5, but you can find others in my shop the post below. I recommend stocking up in other colors. They are such a necessity if you are heading somewhere windy or snowy.

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I've been thinking more about what the word gratitude really means. By definition - Gratitude is "the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful." I like the concept of that - gratitude is a state of mind. Over the past few months I've really concentrated more on focusing time to meditate. Being grateful is a position of being. Gratitude is more than just saying thank you. It truly is a place your mind and heart have to be to full experience.

A lot of people make lists during this time of year about who and what they are grateful for, and while I do think that's beneficial - I also think gratitude is more than just making a list. It's about filling your heart with appreciation. I feel like I hear over and over again about "it's the little things." I couldn't agree more. I try to practice gratitude daily - feeling the wind on my face, taking time to look at the beauty of a flower, smiling when I see a stranger. Being in tune with others and expressing my deep appreciation past a mechanical action.


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