No. 7: Fast Forward Friday

I'm so happy about the fact that wide leg jeans and flared jeans are back! I love the seventies. I love the sixties, fifties, forties and probably should have been alive in the 1920's France. I am not much of a modern day sort of gal - as much as I love the minimalist look, I just should have lived in another era all together. Today I wore one of my favorite pieces of jewelry - my brooch that my grandmother gave me, which I wore back on my Instagram a few weeks ago.  I love the way it's positioned right beneath the collar. For the cooler months, I really love the way a button up looks when you button it all the way up! It's a little more formal than when I roll the sleeves up for the summer.

Speaking of getting buttoned up, don't you like these flats? They were found on half off at Macy's for one of their One Day Sales. I like the way they are two toned and peek beneath the hem of these jeans. Seven makes (in my opinion) the best pair of trouser jeans I've ever purchased. They are truly an investment pair and I've worn them for years. I've been on such a health kick for the past few months. Recently a friend of mine was asking if I was going vegan permanently. I told her, I think this is a life long change. I try to not be an extremist and occasionally will have a little bit of goat cheese or a slice of fresh caught salmon - but 90% of the time I eat really clean.

The results have been pretty astounding, weight sort of just fell off of me. I walk a lot to stay active, but it's more of a lifestyle choice than it is about exercising. In some of the places I've been lucky to travel to or live in, walking was the main form of transportation. On the weekend I make it a point to walk to get coffee and walk for a half hour to get there and a half hour to get home. With kids, take a stroller and bring along snacks. If you are alone, take the longest route possible. Another way I like to push myself is to try to walk in one direction until my legs hurt - then, turn around. I found that I really get more fitness going that way.

Being active and eating right wasn't just about losing weight. I didn't actually set out to drop sizes... it was more of a by-product of making lasting lifestyle choices. These choices aren't changing because of Thanksgiving or Christmas. They truly are lifestyle changes. Yes, I still have dessert and love real sugar in my coffee... but the majority of what I put into my body makes it feel good and gives me energy.

Another lifestyle change I made was creating structure around sleeping habits. Europeans are very structured in their sleeping, activity and eating habits. As an American, I often find that eating happens on the go... but creating a sleeping routine - well, that's something I can do. I go to bed before midnight and usually arise around sunup every day. That gives me the energy to take on my day with a clear mind and open heart. I find that I get more done in my day and enjoy it more!

On a final note, this is a perfect look for a "casual Friday" at the office. It's polished enough to for work, but relaxed enough to be comfortable. I like that this shirt has a small print, and wore it with cap toes and a structured bag. The accessories really pull it together. Finally, not overpowering it with tons of jewelry, but simple studs and a brooch give it a glimmering touch. When I wore this shirt previously, I did it with a more formal look - including a peplum skirt and high heels. A good button up can be such a classic piece. I really love the boldness of this color. 


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