Leopard // Leather

Leopard is one of my favorite prints which is kind of ironic because I really dislike cats. They are so ornry and neurotic. However, fashion doesn’t always translate literally in life. This leopard scarf is one of my most worn items for Winter. It’s been chilly the past few days, so I’ve been layering up with this classic print. It was last seen here, but continues to be a favorite.

I wore this on a casual Friday at the office and really like the way the print, textures and colors play off of one another. This has a sort of thrown together but still looks pretty chic. The yellow adds a little bit of color to an otherwise neutral outfit. Finding a few statement colors to add to your wardrobe can help you establish a sort of style. I like cobalt, mustard and mint. I usually wear a pink and it can go either way as a neutral or a color. Yellow works really well with certain skin tones and I think it matches my bubbly personality.

Brunettes tend to look really good in jewel tones like emerald green, deep navy and a garnet color. Redheads look great in pastels! Whatever you preference is, my recommendation is to pick a few colors and stick to them. When you limit your purchases to a color scheme, your wardrobe is built almost like a capsule wardrobe and you have more items available to mix and match.

Since I was wearing this to work for Friday at the office, I decided to tone down these leather looking pants, by wearing a slouchy grandpa sweater in the same color as a v-neck tee. A pair of classic brown suede ankle booties were the perfect compliment. Since my scarf is a mix of a yellowish tan, brown and black – the whole thing came together with a simple accessory. To offset the dark pants and boots, I threw a long overcoat to stay cozy and warm over the whole thing.

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