Sunday Best

Dress: Old Navy // Shoes: Bandolino // Hat: San Diego Hat Company // Bag: Betsey Johnson

I grew up going to church every Sunday morning. In a chaotic childhood of being an army brat, no matter where we were living - it was a constant. Our family would dress up together and spend the morning sitting in wooden pews, singing from hymnals and sharing time spiritually. After the service concluded we usually headed to lunch. We spent the next hour or so talking about what we just heard in the service. It was always a nice way for us to grow closer a family.

My sister and I wore the most adorable dresses, hats and lace trimmed socks. My Mom stressed that we should present ourselves nicely out of respect. It wasn't so much that we were dressing up to impress others, but putting on our best outward and inward behavior. I stil l have trouble to this day wearing jeans to church. It's not that I judge others around me, but after all those years - I'm sort of conditioned to still put on my "best."  I think that it's how I am most comfortable after the many years of doing it that way.

As I continue to build my own family and our traditions, service on Sunday is important to me. It gives me balance in my life and I truly enjoy showing praise to God every week. I haven't spent as much time on this blog talking about my spiritual beliefs in the past, but over the coming months I have made the decision to open up a little more about topics that are deeper and special to me.

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