Overalls and Ruffles

Top: Haute Collection // Overalls: Machine Denim  // Shoes: LC Lauren Conrad // Purse: Ted Baker (newer version here)

Although many work over the weekends, I feel like it's really important to find time to do what you love on your time off. I think we give ourselves in life sometimes to the point where we burn the candle at both ends. Life was not meant to be that way. Yes, hard work is important. Finding a successful path is important. But, it's also important to make room to just be. There's so many books, lectures and reading material on being in the now and mindfulness. Although I think a lot of it is written for the self help isle or section... I do believe in soaking up moments. I believe in capturing them through photographs. 

One of the things that having a travel and style blog has almost forced me to do is to get out and document thing I love. Sometimes I'll take the camera over to the beach spend a good half hour working and photographing. Then, I'll take the rest of the afternoon and just relax. Watch clouds go by, read a good book or journal. Other times, I carry my camera on trips places and I find it's encouraging to plan out beautiful places to visit. Places I might not come across if the camera wasn't there. It almost acts as a motivator for finding things I love. That search for hidden treasures.

I've been hunting for a pair of overalls for a while now. I have another pair of short-alls (as Lena Dunham put it) that I bought last Spring and still have yet to photograph, but wanted longer ones that would carry me into the colder months. I finally found this pair at a local place here in Houston. I paired it with an off the shoulder top in a baby blue and added ballet flats with my favorite pink purse. I think the ruffles add just the right amount of feminine to the utilitarian feel of the overalls. I have several off the shoulder tops (like this black one worn in this post) that would work really nicely with my new overalls! Such a comfy weekend look!

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