Travel: Blanket of Snow

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I mentioned two weeks ago that I recently took a trip across four states in four days. The first post I did was of Woodstock and Quechee, Vermont which was breathtaking. Rewinding now to the day before where I'm sharing about the drive from Maine up to New Hampshire in the White Mountains. I did quite a bit of research before taking this trip and found that Conway, New Hampshire was nestled in the mountains full of skiing. Originally when planning the trip there was intentions to ski, but after getting there it was better to just take the time to soak up the entire view.

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These photographs were taken in route from Maine to New Hampshire. The snow filled the earth, lakes and almost every surface. I brought along these warm boots I picked up last year (under $60 - see this post, they are still in stock!) They have proven to be one of my best Winter buys. During the trip to Maine, I picked up this striped sweater (unfortunately out of stock, but here's a similar one for under $20) and these comfy suede like pants. They went perfectly with my favorite navy peacoat (worn here and here this season) and red tote that has been on constant play all Winter (see here, here, here, and here). 

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When taking a road trip through scenic routes it's so important to not be on a strict schedule. Eating when you are hungry at local places is one of the best things you can do. Stopping at overlooks or state parks as they come your way offers a chance to stretch your legs while taking it all in. I recommend plotting out a few stops or points of interests and having a ball park time when you are planning on leaving or arriving to another city, but build in what I call "buffer" time to ensure you don't feel rushed.

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One the way we did get a little hungry so we found a place in Brigton, Maine called The Campfire Grille. Ordering just an appetizer and drinks we were thoroughly satisfied. The Beaver, Loon and White Tail Deer Dip was highly recommended by our server and that definitely didn't stop us from ordering. It's a cream cheesy dip baked until bubbling and topped with shredded lettuce, red onion, tomatoes and bacon, served with crispy house made tortilla chips. If you are en route to Conway, take a few minutes to stop here. After finishing the dip we made another stop at Brigton Books on my continuous search to find an old copy of Little Women.

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Since we arrived around dark which was approximately 4pm, we quickly checked in and got ready to set out on foot. One of the most beautiful sites in the town was another hotel called Eastern Slope Inn and Resort. If I ever stay in the area again it would be a fantastic hotel choice. After a short walk we decided to enter a very packed place for drinks called Delaney's Hole in the Wall. It's a small establishment but it felt like the entire town was there! Everything on the menu is from scratch and they support local farmers as often as possible. It's been around for over twenty years and under the original ownership. I love stumbling upon places like this!

Conway, New Hampshire was a lot of fun and a great town in the mountains to go skiing. There were several places to ski and even had night skiing available. The town has a few lovely places to stay and I chose East Man Inn. The house was built in 1777 and sits right on the main strip of downtown. The room had a lovely fireplace, patio and claw foot old fashioned bathtub. Another thing I enjoyed was the delicious breakfast filled with a Denver omelette and delicious blueberry waffle. After breakfast we headed to a look out point which was absolutely breathtaking and then made another quick stop at a bookstore called White Birch Books. The store was painting in adorable bright colors and has two stories. I'll be sharing more about the trip soon to include a post on Freeport, Maine!

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