Three Editing Apps for Instagram

Three Heel Clicks - Three Editing Apps for Instagram.PNG

Since I opened an account back in 2011, I fell in love with Instagram. It's hands down my favorite social media platform. When I first began this visual journey I started with pictures I took on my cell and just edited them with the Instagram filters. I soon realized as the platform grew with popularity, my photographs started looking like everyone else's. Being a creative gal, I couldn't stand this. I wanted mine to have a cohesive yet unique to me look and feel. After following many other very successful influencers, watching their stories, reading online and a multitude of trial and error scenarios these are the three things I use every day to edit my Instagram posts:


This app is free and the best part about it is the way you can easily brighten or heal a picture. Usually I will go in and lighten my picture using the bright feature then clean up any unwanted debris or blemishes by zooming in and using the healing feature. It's super easy to use and can all be done on your cell phone.


VSCO allows me to quickly apply filters that look and feel soft. I use almost exclusively C1. I've tried others, but honestly I keep going back to C1. The app is free but if you want to purchase a filter pack it's just a couple of dollars. I also will sometimes sharpen the photo or increase the contrast depending on what is needed. It's also in this app I go ahead and crop it to the dimensions I'm looking to use.

Instagram Edit

Once I bring a photo over to Instagram I click the edit button and increase the Lux filter slightly. I've found it gives a little more definition that just using the VSCO C1 filter. After that, I'm pretty much done and add my tags, filters and handles to publish the photo. 

All in all, this entire process takes just a few minutes for a photo. Once you get a good system down, editing is almost mindless. Another quick tip is to really understand the features on your cell phone camera. If you can switch to manual it's always best so you can control aperture. If you have an iPhone I recommend getting used to the way it auto adjust to lighting and being able to click on where you want to focus. I hope this is helpful! You can follow along on both my personal account and the one for Three Heel Clicks for more inspiration!