Getting Out of a Creative Slump

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Dress: Marchesa Rose (pink sleeveless version here and on sale here!!!) // Shoes: Amazon find (similar here) // Purse: George Gina & Lucy (almost picked up this red one!) // Sunglasses: Free People (only $25)

It's been 16 days since my last post. I have to admit these past two months I've felt a little halt on the creative energy for the blog. It's hard sometimes to constantly come up with new content every week. I have so many ideas, but lately the execution of some of them has been daunting. I thought about what made me start Three Heel Clicks. I began this journey as an outlet for inspiration and creativity. From snippets of interiors to outfits or places to visit, it all revolved around being creative. 

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Earlier this month I was lucky enough to travel to the Northwest Coast (you can read about that here). I enjoyed my trip, but realized I took minimal style photos and mostly travel ones. When I came back I had enough for one post, but no more. Then it started raining here. Which makes it even more difficult to find locations around town with good lighting. After that I decided to do some reorganizing and decorating in my home which took away from the time I usually spent on blogging. 

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All in all I decided that enough was enough. I needed to get back to a routine no matter where I was working from. I needed to bring those ideas I have swimming in my head back to life. I needed to just get back into a groove. Don't we all face walls sometimes that need to be torn down? It's so hard, but someone once told me to just "put your shoes on."  At the time I was complaining about not feeling like a workout that day and they said... "You don't have to workout, just put your shoes on. Then, get your keys and walk to the door." 

Every time I've followed that advice I've fulfilled what I set out to do. Once I get started it's hard for me to stop. So today that's what I'm doing. I woke up, uploaded pictures, and decided it was time to just put my shoes on. I'd love to hear about some of the ways that you guys overcome walls of creativity. Please, share with me!!! We all need as much help as possible!

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Anyways, on to today's outfit. This dress is from Marchesa Rose and the quality is unbeatable! I love the craftsmanship put into it! I decided although it's longsleeved, the material is sheer and really breathable. Pairing almost any dress with espadrilles is such a win for a summer look. It's almost effortless and gives a fun twist on an otherwise dressier look.  I've rounded up some of my favorite Marchesa Rose looks below for you to shop!

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