How to Perfect Your Flying Routine


It’s no secret how much I love to travel. One thing you may not know about me includes my extreme hatred for inefficiency and chaos. Airports can be a place for adventure but they can also be a headache. In fact, the whole process of flying is so stressful to me. After countless terrible flights I’ve perfected what I can control and that’s my flying routine. Today I’m walking you through how I prep for a flight, what I do to ensure screening is simpler and finally my on-board rituals to make the time in the air fly by.

Carry On Packing

I bring two bags, a roller carry on size with a swimsuit, pjs and extra change of clothes sits above in the over head bin. I also use this bag for my jewelry case and toiletries (except facial products). I bring a separate tote with the following for easy access while on board:

  • Printed Book

  • Journal and Pen

  • Ipad/Laptop

  • Facial Products

  • Makeup

  • Curling Wand

  • Wallet/Money

  • Scarf

  • Headphones

  • Backup Battery

Before Leaving to Airport

My routine begins before leaving my home or hotel. Before any travel I make sure I shower and wash my face, brush my teeth and leave my skin clear to breath during the flight. I have all devices charged and a backup battery charged as well. I try to pack the day before so that the morning I leave or day I leave I can focus on last minute items. I triple check for chargers, keys, money, cell phone and load what I can in advance. If I’m taking a cab or Uber, I put things by the door so it’s ready to go immediately. I also begin by drinking water now. I grab a 50 oz Smart Water bottle and make it a point to finish as I’m walking through the lines of security. If I need a cup of coffee, I’ll drink one now and that’s all for the trip. On board, I want to rest as much as possible so coffee in take is limited. If I have time, I will also curl my hair into loose curls for the trip. If not, no worries I can do that at the airport after checking into security.

Airport Arrival and Security

I always use the airline apps to check in 24 hours in advance. Here I can change seats if need be. I prefer to have an isle seat so I can easily get up for the restroom or to stretch my legs. If I’m checking luggage I go ahead and drop off my bags and head to security. This is a perfect time to pop in my headphones. I can wait in line calmly and make sure that I keep my anxiety under control. I usually opt for a pair of flats for easy shoe removal and pull my laptop out of my tote to go through the checkpoint. This is about the time I finish that bottle of water and toss the empty bottle in my tote for a refill on the other side. Something I’ve found helpful is to pack in the same bags as much as possible so you have a good system and know where you put your stuff. As soon as TSA checks my ID and boarding pass they go straight to my wallet. Everything has a spot and makes it so much easier once I’m on board.

On Board the Plane

I begin my on board routine the same way every time. I put my overhead carry on in the bin and my tote underneath the seat. I pullout a a pair of slippers and stow away my ballet flats. Slippers are perfect for trips to the bathroom and are warmer on the feet during the flight. I also use my scarf as a pillow sometimes so that’s pulled out for easy access. I begin by lathering on eye creams, serums, and moisturizers onto my face and hands. Then I slip on my ear phones with a music list ready to hit play and a sleep mask to block out light. If I’m restless I’ll make lists or jot down thoughts or read my paperback. I try to get as much rest as possible on the plane knowing once I land it will be a few hours before I can relax again. If I do nap, once I awake I either drink a cup of coffee before landing or I’ll get up and brush my teeth in the bathroom.

Over the years I’ve realized I feel best when I stay hydrated, wear my hair down, bring a sleeping mask and avoid alcohol and caffeine. I arrive so much more refreshed with that combination than I have in the best when I spent flights working or having a pre-party before the actual vacation. Now, by getting good rest on my flight it allows me to minimize travel stress and prepare my body.

What are some of the ways you minimize travel stress?

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