5 on Fridays - Five Apps I Use for Blogging

Three Heel Clicks - 5 on Fridays - Five Apps I Use for Blogging

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Being an early blogging adopter I’ve been attracted to apps, social media channels and technology to make blogging easier. From photo editing apps to scheduling and analytics there are so many tools out there to make your life simpler. I figured I would share with you all today five apps I regularly use for blogging, social media and editing. If you guys have any suggestions or apps you use, please share! I’m always on the hunt for new things to try!

Planoly - This is my favorite app for organizing upcoming posts on Instagram. You can use the free version to upload up to 30 items in 30 days or pay $8.99 a month for premium features. For years, I used the free version. I love how easy this is to use and how it mimics the layout of Instagram so you can create a cohesive feed. The app also gives me the ability to count down how many hashtags I have left for a post since Instagram limits them to 30 per post.

VSCO - Great app for editing photos on your phone. Been using it for YEARS and most bloggers edit with this app for iPhone pics. 100% of my pictures are actually edited here because I've found a workflow I enjoy using and it's quick. I know Lightroom is better for editing on the computer, but thought this one was worth mentioning.

Hubspot - Will let you create email campaigns, make notes on your clients and help you stay organized. It also lets me see when someone opens or clicks on a link when sending emails. You can add a plugin on your gmail account so the two are integrated. It's awesome. Also, Hubspot has a HUGE free marketing resource library.

Iconosquare - This is a newer app I’ve been trying out. It has a two week trial but does cost $30 a month after the trial ends. I would recommend this app if you have content and are looking to increase visibility on Instagram. It will give you the ability to find out when your followers are most active allowing you to post and push through the Instagram algorithm mess. It also gives you advance reporting features allowing you to see which posts, hashtags and stories are the most popular!

Squarespace Mobile App - I built my website on Squarespace for the ease of use, modern templates and 24-7 support. I’ve been a subscriber for four years now and haven’t looked back. I love using the mobile app for a quick edit if I see a grammar mistake, approving comments and on the go reference for my analytics. Although I write all of my posts on the web-based desktop version I love using the mobile app for quick edits!

Well, there you have it! Five apps I use almost daily to blog. I love sharing technology tips with you guys and hope those of you blogging find this post useful. Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend!

What are your favorite apps to use for blogging or social media planning?