What Do You Do When Your Foundation Cracks?

Three Heel Clicks - What do you do when your foundation cracks

Since I launched Three Heel Clicks beauty over the summer I have had an overwhelming amount of interest around the topic of foundation. Surprisingly, most people don’t realize that if they have a foundation problem, then they probably have a skincare problem. Yep - look no further than your own skin! If your foundation is currently cracking or not staying as a smooth canvas you need to re- evaluate the hydration of your skin. You’ll need to get hydrated by drinking tons of water, take your vitamins and then apply proper moisturizing products! Let’s break it all down with three simple strategies.

Are you hydrating your body with water?

Water and skincare go hand in hand. Unfortunately, most peple think if they slap some night cream on their face they will end up with perfect skin. Absolutely not! Unless you have the God-given genes of Giselle who was able to catwalk Dior and eat french fries (completely unfair but hey- we all have our gifts), then you need to look at your diet and water intake. Fresh fruits, veggies, LOTS of water and vitamins are all necessary to getting better skin! Your body needs nutrients like Vitamin C and antioxidants. It also needs lots of water to flush out toxins! When your skin is showing signs of dehydration it’s time to amp up your water intake.

Try grabbing a cute water bottle that’s on the large and in charge side. It’s proven that the fewer times you have to refill a large bottle, the more water you will consume. So instead of opting for a small 16 oz, go big or go home with a good 33 oz. Fill it in the morning and drink by lunch! Fill it a second time and drink by dinner. Then, finish it off in the evening. Boom 100 oz and my friends you will not have to deal with other peoples problems during the day because you will be peeing and flushing out toxins. Yay for you!

Three Heel Clicks - What do you do when your foundation cracks

Girl, Establish A Good Skincare Regimen

If you want proper foundation application and beautiful skin then it’s time to establish and utilize daily a skincare regimen that matches your needs. You can read all about how to do that here in a post I wrote a few months back about establishing a great regimen. It’s not as complicated as you think! You basically need to on the daily wash, tone, treat and moisturize. Then, a few times a week use masks to exfoliate, control oil or acne, or hydrate and tighten! You can also look for skincare systems to customize your core products. If you have aging skin - add boosters like elasticity and if you have acne prone skin - add a hydrating booster!

The key is also following said regimen. For all you busy mommas you don’t have to make this an ordeal. It’s about 10 minutes in the morning and 15 in the evening and you get to multitask. I practice my skincare regimen both morning and evening to cleanse, tone, treat and mosturize. Then, a few days a week I wear a hydrating mask for deep overnight moisturizing, a brightening mask to attack fine lines and dark spots, and an exfoliating mask twice a week to remove dead skin. I top everything off with spot treatment using the charcoal mask. Btw, my EXACT skincare system is on sale this month! Check it out here!

Find the Foundation for You

Once you thoroughly hydrate and you follow a good skincare regimen, now it’s time to start looking at foundation. Foundation is really a skincare step and less of a makeup step. If you think about it, it covers your entire face like a skincare product would. It requires finding something that matches your skin type just skincare. You want to make sure you are following proper application by using a primer and setting product before and after applying your actual foundation. If you need help with understanding primer and setting products (Believe me! I did, too!!!) You can read more in this article which includes four steps to a flawless face or check out my latest video on Facebook. Btw, I post so much on my Facebook wall - you really should start here if you need tutorials!!!

There are so many foundation options on the market! But a basic guide is to look for the correct shade (I can help match you if you submit a selfie!) and the right coverage. From there it’s just a matter of mixing and matching products to find exactly what you need.

Let’s recap: If you aren’t drinking water a like a camel in the desert then start doing that right now. I mean literally, get up and go down a huge glass right now. Two, establish a skincare regimen and use it everyday when you wake up and go back to bed. Finally, make sure you are using the right primer and setting product with your foundation so it doesn’t come off or clog your pores! If you’d like to build your own regimen check out this fun five minute skincare quiz!

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