I'm Too Busy...


How many times have you heard or said that over the past month? I mean seriously. Think about it. How many times? Forty? Hundreds? Thousands? If your like most of us the end of the year means piling one more thing on top of an already full plate. It means saying yes to a last minute invite when all you want is to crawl into your bed. It means extra glitter (which is the herpes of all craft supplies) requiring a NASA grade vacuum cleaner to remove all remnants. Yes, we know you are busy and we are too. I am no better at this thing called life than you are but I do have something going for myself - perspective. A positive perspective. I’m an eternal optimist and even when things are tough you’ll find me pushing hard to get through to the gold.

So let’s talk about the idea of being busy. Are you really that busy or do you just feel overloaded? Are you tired all of the time? Are you eating healthy (I know I just finished off a full dozen cookies. Heck - probably a baker’s dozen). Are you taking time to exercise (I just finished missing several walks this past week.) Yes you probably have way too much going on in your life and there’s just not enough. Not enough time. Not enough money and not enough resources. That is… until you make the time, find the resources and conserve your energy for priorities.


At the top of this last year’s priority list was to simplify my life to focus on my purpose. Yep, you heard me. My goal was to do less, but do those things better. For a girl who errs on the cautious side of having a shoe for every occasion - the concept of downsizing my priorities and where time would go was mind blowing. But little by little this year I’ve streamlined mundane tasks in life. I’ve created some habit routines and working hard to fine tune. I think about my purpose on the daily and try hard to ensure I am doing activities that align with this purpose.

Yes, I can honestly say I was too busy. I was too busy to enjoy the small moments. Too busy to take care of myself. Too busy to get rest I desperately needed. I have exactly seven days every week to make an impact on my own life and those around me. But making that impact doesn’t mean I have to trade in priorities for pleasing others. If you are constantly saying you are too busy you probably are not spending enough time on your own purpose but the purposes of everyone around YOU!


The thing is, it’s no one else’s responsibility to make YOU happy. Not your spouse, kids, dogs (well - scratch that… most dogs make people happy), best friend, boss, etc. It’s YOUR job to figure it out. Yes, there are tough situations to be expected and yes, there will be curve balls to catch. But it’s YOURS. This life is YOURS and you have every bit of power to change yourself for the better. The biggest question I have for you is - Are YOU too busy for YOU?

Do you have a goal you would like to hit this year? If so, check out Coffee Talk - A Facebook Group that discusses tips and tricks for setting and achieving goals!

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