Your Skin Needs This Every Five Days


Did you know that your skin sheds cells once every five days? If you do remove the dead skin cells off your face every five days your skin becomes dull over time and this leads to aging and acne. Exfoliating doesn’t have to be a big deal - just throw on a mask while you are making coffee or folding a load of laundry. But the importance of a regular exfoliation regimen is a BIG DEAL. Clear skin, healthy glowing skin requires maintain with and upkeep. Let’s chat about a few ways exfoliation helps your skin.

Exfoliating your skin kickstarts your body into skin healing mode. First, it brings the blood flow to the surface of the skin which in turn brings oxygen. According to “Blood circulation brings oxygen, cells, proteins, and nutrients to the skin and removes carbon dioxide and waste. Poor circulation can lead to the following: ... decubitus ulcers, also called bed sores - breaks in the skin due to pressure blocking the oxygen supply, which results in skin tissue death. infections.” Exfoliation does just that! It helps circulate your blood to stay healthy.


Exfoliating also stimulates the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels through which lymph drains from the tissues into the blood. Whenever you get build up in your lymphatic system it creates tension and knots. That’s why you go get a massage when your muscles are sore. Same with your face! You can use exfoliating to stimulate the lymphatic system to drain unwanted toxins!

Now the major thing to look for in exfoliants is to ensure they are non-toxic, made with high quality ingredients and and to not be too abrasive. You want to gentle polish the skin not rub too hard. The YOU•OLOGY exfoliating mask is my personal favorite since it doesn’t irritate my dry sensitive skin. After I apply and rub for 60 seconds, I leave on for five minutes then rinse with warm water. Follow with toner, beauty oil and a hydrating overnight mask for glowing skin in the morning! I swear your skin will feel and look significantly different!


If you currently do NOT have a skincare regimen in place - We need to chat then!!! Shoot me a DM on Facebook or take the skincare quiz below. It will build a regimen and then you can add or remove items when you check out to best suit your taste. Proper cleansing, exfoliating, toning, treating and moisturizing all lead to better, healthier skin.