When Problems Become Overwhelming


Today’s post comes from a very very personal place. When I created Three Heel Clicks in 2012 I wanted to share helpful tips for fashion, DIY and home. While I absolutely love creating inspiring content around those topics sometimes we all need a little more depth when life is raining hard. I believe right now most people are experiencing a heightened sense of anxiety, sadness and emotion due to global events. While I cannot offer the perfect answer because there isn’t one… I can share what I am currently doing to maintain better mental, physical and emotional health. These past six months have been rocky, but there is hope. What we go through shapes our character and small choices add up.


Do A Self-Check In

This method is actually one I do when I get a panic attack. It’s called a Coping Checklist. In fact I have a video you can view here on Facebook that talks all about this! Basically, you go through a checklist of your vitals and then start a process to help you calm down. I begin by asking myself when the last time I slept, exercised, ate and consumed water. If those are out of whack - I probably need to address before anything else. Then, I begin to watch the clock. I set a timer on my phone for 15 - 20 minutes (approximately how long a panic attack will last). I begin to go through the rest of my checklist to self soothe - making a gratitude list, breathing deeply, and I use pinterest for inspiration. If I am able to actually walk around, I find it really assists with taking my mind off racing thoughts. Over time, the more you retrain your brain to learn that you can manage anxiety the easier it is to manage!


Treating Myself with Love

Self-care is an important lifestyle change I had to make to manage balance mentally, physically and emotionally. The first thing I implemented was a change in diet and exercise. Start small and eat one healthy meal and go for a walk each day. Then, build up to two healthy meals and two walks. People often ask what sort of fitness and diet I follow to maintain a healthy body - it’s super simple: 80% of the time I eat healthy and walk 10k steps a day… 20% of the time I eat whatever I crave and relax. Super easy and I get to have flexibility. Another area that’s often neglected in single mother’s is time to themselves. I wake up a few hours before my daughter does and give myself quiet time first thing. It helps set my day and allows ease of mind.

Help Coach Someone Through Something I am Experienced In

So one of the BEST ways to get out of a funk is to help someone else. I’m not kidding! Sometimes that help is coaching a teammate for no other reason than build their confidence. Sometimes it means being there for someone as a listening ear and offer encouragement. Sometimes it’s helping with a resume, interview or website ideas. You have something to offer this world. How can you contribute to someone? Where can you add value? Write 3 ideas down and implement this week!


Seek Help Early and Often

I cannot stress this enough. If you are feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis for days and weeks on end consider seeking mental health. Try online Facebook or support groups. You can also use services like Talkspace.com and BetterHelp.com for online video and chat sessions with a licensed counselor. We all have things that we may need help sorting out in life. Take a deep breath and tackle one bite at a time. The absolute worst thing you can do for yourself is sit and overthink or worry.


Make a list of gratitude and strengths

Over the course of life we all experience some level of trauma or set backs. Stress is part of our life to help us push ahead and strive forward. No matter what your situation is and no matter how bad you feel there is always someone else who has it just as tough. I find that listing off three things that I am thankful for today on paper at night helps reframe my and attitude. To be able to take control, you have to believe you have power to do so. Gratitude gives you your power back.

You can help yourself. When things get overwhelming day after day it’s best to seek help.