Posts tagged Baking
Baking Therapy and Going Grain Free

Over the past few weeks I’ve made a major shift in what I eat to include going grain-free. As I’ve mentioned her on the blog I am anxiety prone. Not just a little anxiety, I’ve been diagnosed with full blown panic disorder. These days I rarely get a panic attack, however that is only due to a consistent self-care regimen, therapy and lots of rest. I also practice mindfulness which has made a huge impact on how I process information and worry less. Practicing joy is another intentional element in my life and as we’ve had shorter days I find myself inside more than ever and with that came baking! Baking has been a pastime of mine over the years beginning with vacations at my grandma’s house when I was little. I loved spending hours with her making our family banana bread, cookies and cream puffs. While some of the other kiddos in the family were impatient at a young age, I found I got more attention from her if I baked and therefore spent tons of time doing so. Before you knew it I picked up a lot of information and realized just how much I absolutely love baking!

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Baking Gingerbread Houses from Scratch

Every year my daughter and I decorate gingerbread houses. We’ve been doing this since she was five and it’s become a really fun tradition over the years. Most years we use a gingerbread kit. To date my favorite one came from Sprout’s which you can see in this previous post where we also mad our own wrapping paper for the season. This year I went ahead and braved doing one from scratch. Although it ended up being a little wompy the memories of making it will forever reside in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being perfect it’s about the process.

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