Posts tagged Levi
Casual and Classic Western Look

After a really long week and working from home, I threw on an outfit to head out on Friday early evening. We’ve been under a Winter Storm watch all week so I knew I’d have to get home pretty early but a few hours out was better than being cooped up all weekend. I decided to throw on one of my cozy sweaters. This baby is a steal! I’ve worn it recently with this silky skirt in this post for a dressier look. I paired it with my favorite vintage low-cut western boots from Feather’s Boutique in Austin, TX. I’ve been going there for over 15 years and always come out with something in hand. They have an online shop with a curated selection but if you are in the area I recommend stopping by! It’s incredible. You can grab a bite to eat afterward at Guero’s - another favorite of mine! A few months ago I ordered this top-rated pink suede hat on Amazon. It came packaged with a hat mold for storage and is really good quality. These Levi jeans were another buy on Amazon. They are the perfect fit for someone who is looking for a straight leg cut with a defined waist. Hope you guys are having an awesome Sunday!

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Finding Joy as You Complete Everyday Tasks

Over this past year, I’ve written a lot about finding joy. The truth is a few years ago I went through a huge struggle with joy. My life felt flat during that time. Very little brought me joy. I’d later come to find that I was going through depression and I had to realign things in my life. I need more sleep and consistent sleep. I need to shed things that were weighing me down. I needed daily exercise and better support. It took time to transform all of these things, but when I formed a healthy foundation I was able to laugh and feel joy again. Looking back it wasn’t overnight that my life became joyless and it wasn’t an instant change to move it back on track. Both situations were a series of daily choices made over time. Now I protect my mindset above all else. If I am feeling like I’m in a funk, I make small choices that day to find joy in little things. Here are a few practical ways I choose to find joy when I complete everyday tasks.

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