Posts tagged New Balance
The New "You Can Do Hard Things" Cropped Sweatshirt is Now Available

Today I wanted to share the new cropped sweatshirt! It comes in mauve, dusty blue, and black. It’s designed to be lightweight enough for Spring and Summer months but also is the perfect amount of soft and cozy to slip on after a workout or when you are feeling like you need a little lift for your mood. I love the perfect shade of this one and how the cut shows off your hips and waist.

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Back to School Sneakers

With all the hype of kids going back to school, it’s the perfect time to grab a pair of new sneakers. I try to refresh my athleisure twice a year (usually Spring and Fall) discarding anything worn or that no longer fits and adding in a few new pieces. Recently I bought a few things to include new leggings (same fit as the ones you are seeing in this pic just in a powder light pink), sneakers, and this adorable top from my friends over at Off the Grid. Sneakers are something you want to change out as soon as they start getting worn. Your feet are imperative as vehicles to get around and worn shoes lead to backaches and injuries. I love the look of these old-school New Balance ones. In fact, I had the same pair in college and wore them until they were no longer in good condition.

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