Posts tagged Photography Tips
Photography Class Launches Tonight!

Tonight I’m launching a one-hour workshop hosted on Facebook to help you take better photographs using your cell phone at 8:00pm CST! ! We will cover composition, rule of the thirds, lighting, and workflow.

You will learn how to shoot on your tripod using the timer on your cell phone camera. I’m also including a FREE LIGHTROOM preset to make editing a breeze!!! If you cannot make the live event you will receive a copy of the recording. I’m so excited and cannot wait to see you there!

This course is great for influencers, micro-influencers, MLM teams, and anyone who wants better family photos and selfies!

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How To Blog: Photography Tips

If you missed my first post in this How to Blog series I talked about five ways you can make money on your blog. You can read that post here, and today I’m continuing the series to share more tips and tricks with you. A key element for any blog is photography. Whether you are snapping pictures of food for recipes creating or you work in the tech world and are delivering copy on wide area networks you still need pictures for your posts! There are a few reasons - first, it helps optimize your page when you add alt text behind graphics. That allows search engines like Google and Pinterest to find your blog. Spiders will crawl your page to look for strings of keywords that are relevant searches, but images help boost your visibility!

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