Posts tagged holiday decor
The Coziest Christmas Decor

I spent this weekend nestled up reading books and baking delicious sugar cookies for the holidays. I love this time of year and try to fully immerse myself in as many festive activities as possible. Although this year is already looking different than last - no large holiday parties or gatherings, I’m determined to make it count. I’ve been adding little touches all over the home to bring a cheerful atmosphere no matter how cold it is outside. From sequin embellished pillows to colorful tiny bottle brush trees the space is filled from ceiling to floors in sweet holiday decor. You can have a beautiful home no matter what your budget may be if you are thoughtful and creative. Surprisingly many of the little trees I’ve picked up over the years were found at dollar stores or discount stores. Keep your eyes open and look at new ways to use items.

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Baking Gingerbread Houses from Scratch

Every year my daughter and I decorate gingerbread houses. We’ve been doing this since she was five and it’s become a really fun tradition over the years. Most years we use a gingerbread kit. To date my favorite one came from Sprout’s which you can see in this previous post where we also mad our own wrapping paper for the season. This year I went ahead and braved doing one from scratch. Although it ended up being a little wompy the memories of making it will forever reside in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being perfect it’s about the process.

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My Favorite Amazon Finds This Season

What would we do without Amazon? I’m beginning to wonder how any of us existed prior to their delivery services that cut shipping times by 90%. Amazon continues to innovate and impress me every single year. As I have tried hard to minimize contact and exposure by staying safe and being healthy, Amazon has become almost a necessity for me these days. From household items like these lightbulbs and neck massager to gifts that keep on giving like Audible - I’m a prime target (no pun intented … lol) and love being able to shop for gifts for my loved ones. Here is a complete guide to things I’ve recently purchased on Amazon, things I’m going to purchase, things I would purchase and pretty much everything I can think of!

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