Posts tagged home sweet heel clicks
Valentine's Day Stay At Home Outfit and Date Ideas

Can you believe it’s almost February? Goodness! This month has been amazing but flying by quickly. I don’t know about you, but these days I spend a good amount of time cocooning at home. I travel so much that when I’m home, I’m home. One thing that really helps my mental health is having my home in order and full of things that bring a smile to my heart - fresh flowers, my vintage ashtray that holds a deck of pink playing cards from Rosemary Beach, and soft cozy throw blankets. Lighting a single candle on my coffee table or flipping through a stack of interior design magazines are little joys that make it perfect for a cold, rainy day. When you find the right person, snuggling up in the cocoon of a home makes it even better. Here are a few ways to make a stay-at-home date night perfect this Valentine’s Day!

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My Favorite Amazon Finds This Season

What would we do without Amazon? I’m beginning to wonder how any of us existed prior to their delivery services that cut shipping times by 90%. Amazon continues to innovate and impress me every single year. As I have tried hard to minimize contact and exposure by staying safe and being healthy, Amazon has become almost a necessity for me these days. From household items like these lightbulbs and neck massager to gifts that keep on giving like Audible - I’m a prime target (no pun intented … lol) and love being able to shop for gifts for my loved ones. Here is a complete guide to things I’ve recently purchased on Amazon, things I’m going to purchase, things I would purchase and pretty much everything I can think of!

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