Posts tagged word of the year
Word of the Year: SOAR

Wow! What a weekend! I had an incredible time on South Padre Island and will be sharing tons of fun content over the next few weeks for Spring Break ideas (both snow and sea) but this morning I wanted to talk more about the overarching theme I’ve chosen for 2022. For the past five years, I’ve chosen a word every single year as a focus for my life throughout the year. First, it was the word “health” after getting pneumonia at the end of 2017. Then, it was “simplify” in 2019 where I share my struggles with feeling a lack of purpose in my life. In 2020 I chose the word “explode” where my entire life took a huge leap forward. I ended a relationship, moved cities and my business doubled that year in followers, website traffic, and income. This past year I chose the word “abundance” and let me tell you, I had no idea what was in store. My life took another large leap forward and I experienced success in professional and personal areas of growth. Moving into a home after living in apartments and cottages for years was huge. I started traveling a lot on my own and experienced an increase in peace in my life. Here we are at the beginning of 2022 and I’m choosing the word - “soar” to rise above anything I’ve ever done before in my life. I’ve set some pretty remarkable goals this year and will be working on hitting them one by one.

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Word of the Year for 2021: Abundance

My 2021 word of the year is ABUNDANCE! The word “Abundance” is stated in the dictionary “a very large quantity of something.” For some abundance means prosperity or having more things. I seek an abundance of faith. For years I struggled with doubt and limiting beliefs. To obtain the next level in my life, I seek abundant faith. If you break the concept of faith down it’s knowing something is available and attainable without having already seen it. It’s the dream behind the magic of life. It’s the creative thought process and hope to aspire to higher ideas. I seek abundance with the foundation that my faith is bigger than my fears.

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