Peachy Pink

I can’t get enough of the cold weather! Getting cozy with some delicious white hot chocolate is my next Bucket List to do! As the leaves are changing here in Houston, I am bundling up and getting myself ready for winter weather. I’ve been on the search for more weather proof shoes since I purchased a pair of rain boots earlier this fall. It rains months out of the year here in Houston, and after changing from a job where I had to wear business professional to a more casual atmosphere, I’ve decided to give into comfy shoes and clothes. 

I’m sure past boyfriends would be astounded at this point in the conversation. I was always come heels or high-water kind of gal until recently. I guess the shift happened about two years ago when I had a knee injury. After what seemed like eternity of wearing heels, I no longer could put myself through the torture during the recovery. Hence, the addition of flats to my wardrobe. Now I’m not going to lie… I’m kind of obsessed about it. I love the way you can make something dressy look more casual by the change of a shoe.

I’ve been spending more and more time outside lately. I’ve mentioned several times over the past month or two my increase in step count on my daily walks. As the weather shifts, my wardrobe has to change to keep up with that kind of activity. From the addition of a bubble umbrella to these boots (found on major sale), the rain can bring it on!

There are several other brands out there that are probably a little warmer, but frankly – I couldn’t resist a good price point. They are lighter weight since most of the year it is warmer here - they were appropriate. Also, they are weather resistant and durable. I’ve found a few other options here and here if you are traveling to somewhere snowy. I’ve also realized that a good pair of tall socks really helps on long hikes. You want to make sure you shoes are comfortable and the colder the weather, the more important it is to make sure your feet are warm. I plan on styling these later on this season with tights and a skirt – but for now, here is a cozy little look for a perfect weekend stroll.

Speaking of weekends, I’ve been obsessed with sipping on mint tea from Harney & Sons (I also really love this one too!). I recently read about some of the health benefits for mint tea – you can check out my findings here on Pinterest. It does so much in aiding digestion and is great if you feel like you are coming down with a cold. I was a little under the weather over the weekend, but after several cups of this stuff and a good night of rest… I felt so much better. What are some of your favorite remedies for cold weather sniffles? I’d love to hear!

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