Last Day of Fall

Today is the last day of Fall and I've been thinking a lot about change. The past few months of my life have been a whirlwind of growth. I think back to where I was a year ago and I'm amazed at what has been accomplished in my life.  I posted yesterday on Instagram "You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of."  Life can have peaks and valleys. Seasons change, leaves turn colors and depart from their branches and fall off. Taking control of how you act is the only thing you really can control. Inward reflection is where I had to start to make an outward change. 

I turned 30 this year and I realized there were many things in my life that needed work. I started small, 15 minutes of reflection each night... eating more veggies and walking at lunch. Day by day my life metamorphosed into something more beautiful than I could have imagined. Time is the only thing that really made the difference from before and now. It took making different actions on a daily basis to reach where I am now.

I'm not going to lie, stress is still there (if not more than ever), but I'm the one who changed around it. I'm the one who developed. Life is going to move around you. Life keeps on going. But I had to decide how I wanted life to be. I had to define how life would be. I had to decide how I would act, what I would eat, how my life would look every day. Slowly, it changed from being a caterpillar into a butterfly.

On the last day of Fall I wanted to take a few minutes and celebrate our beautiful December here in Texas. We are lucky to get Fall at a later point in the year. Our leaves are still falling off trees and still changing colors. It's been so beautiful and breathtaking to take it in. I walk frequently and I've spent so much more time outdoors soaking in the sun, warmth, and all of the colors. It's truly uplifted my spirits in times of stress. I decided to wear some of my neutrals today - a simple cream coat, leather leggings, cognac boots and crew neck sweater. My leopard scarf topped the whole thing off. Sometimes the classics are the best!

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