Posts tagged Inspiration
How to Stop Worrying and Take Back Your Power

For the past year and a half, I have a confession to make. I spiraled. I’m not sure exactly what spurred it on, but I went down a worry wormhole like none other. Part of it felt like it started at the beginning of pregnancy. As my therapist and I discussed the why over this past year she brought to my attention that it was likely a form of protection like a mama bear would have with her cubs. None the less it got to a point where I felt like I couldn’t go a day without fear arising. Trauma in life can do some crazy things to the brain. It can carve channels that spur fear by creating neurological connections. That’s the science behind it, and the good news is - you can change it. It’s called neuroplasticity. Both prayer and meditation are proven to rewire the brain. Today I’m going to share a few ways you can take your power back and let go of worrying for life.

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10 Things I Learned This Year

This past year has amounted to an extreme amount of growth. Almost a year ago, I made the decision to go back to one-on-one counseling to sort out some stuff that was surfacing emotionally in my life. It was so hard, but I finally feel like I’m on the upswing and things are more manageable. It’s easy to make excuses in our lives for behaviors we did when we were not at our best. It’s also really easy to blame others for the things that went wrong. Ultimately, accepting full responsibility for my life has given me freedom and inner power I did not know a few years ago. I’m going to share with you today 10 Things I Learned this Year in hopes of inspiring you to rise above your current state of being into a higher version of yourself.

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Don't Forget to Shine

I’ve been on a conquest to get to the root of my being. For the past few months, I took time throughout each day for inward reflection… Constantly asking myself if what I am currently doing is what will lead me to the highest version of myself. I examined forward and backward each small habit, every conversation I would partake in, and each movement I would choose to make. We are a sum of all the little choices we make throughout the day. Our character is a combination of actions we choose. After years of feeling obligated to do certain things, have certain jobs, and run what you would consider the rat race I decided I couldn’t do it anymore. My soul just needed more.

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Shedding Baggage and Layering Confidence

Last week I attended a virtual yoga class and something incredible was said to me as we prepared to begin the session, Fall is a time for shedding things that no longer serve you. A time to discard baggage so you can bloom in the Spring. I realized in that moment I’ve been carrying a few emotional things for far too long and it was time to let them go. I believe the change of the seasons is a chance for us to develop and grow into higher versions of ourselves. Fall is when leaves drop and turn into warm golden tones. Fall is when the days shift to cooler and shorter. It’s a time to start moving indoors and harvest for the Winter. As I look to nature to draw inspiration I am reminded that Fall is also the time to evaluate what I need to clear out of my life to make room for growth in the future.

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Easy Heirloom Tomato Tart On the Patio For dinner

Staying at home means everyday meals are an opportunity to create a little magic. Having extra time on my hands has done some amazing things to the soul! How about you? Are you feeling inspired these days? Lately, I take time to do things with a little more effort instead of my normal rushing through life a million miles a minute. It’s been refreshing for my creative side! Dinner became an heirloom tomato tart on puff pastry al fresco. I’ve even started getting dolled up for dinner at home like they used to in the 1800’s. Taking major cues from southern France’s culture!

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Front Porch Swing

Let’s start with story time today… back when I was a little girl we lived in Lawton/Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Most of you have little idea where the heck that is and for good reason. We lived on an artillery base. So if you weren’t into those sorts of things or part of the military it’s unlikely you would know about it’s location. I spent the formative latter years of elementary school there. Summers felt like gusts blowing from a constant furnace across your cheeks in the blistering dry heat and Winters were filled with all of the fun of building a snowman.

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