Little Adventures

"She looks for adventure around every corner."

This year has been such a year of development for me. Over the past six months, one of the things I've looked to do is to find adventure every where I can. Whether it be stepping out on foot to unexplored territory for a Saturday afternoon, or simply looking for a hidden alley to wander down - life is about the little adventures. You can be in a big city or a small town, but they exist every where you go.

I've been thinking so much about how the new year is bringing about new opportunities. This year provided me with a tremendous amount of growth for my mind, body and spirit. But as the year draws to an end, I can't help but think about what the new year holds. Setting written goals in all areas of my life keeps me focused on what I truly want to obtain. I've been in sales for a while and was taught early on to write down what you want to accomplish. Then, think about it night and day, visualize it.

This past year, my biggest goal for the blog was to create better content. From the photographs shared, locations captured and even the words put down for you guys to read... it has all come from my heart. I want this to be a place where readers can draw inspiration from - not just look at the price tag of an item or buy it based on being trendy. I often post outfits with old items on purpose to show you how to create a "new look" or even just to share one of my favorite things. 

Everyday is the chance to have a new beginning and as the new year approaches, I am going to work on incorporating more lifestyle and DIY projects to share! This new year will showcase a few travel trips, some yummy healthy recipes and most of all ways to create simple memories. I am so excited as we embark upon new times together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to my voice and following along...

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