Sunrise on Mt. Bonnell

2016-05-02 11.09.43 1.jpg
Dress: Nordstrom Rack (no longer available - similar here and here) // Sandals: Qupid (really love these too!)

A few weekends ago some time in Austin visiting some friends and soaking up all of the beautiful outdoors. Austin is one of those perfect cities filled with live music, art, color and surrounded by some of the most beautiful places to spend time outdoors. I visited a few different trails while I was there, but decided early Sunday morning I would get up and go for a walk at Mt. Bonnell. I visited the lookout point about a year ago and thought the view was just exquisite. I was itching to get a sunrise in and awoke early to make the drive from Cedar Park to the 360 loop (about 20 minutes away).

Although it was overcast, the view was just as breathtaking as I remembered. I sat there for a few minutes reflecting on that fact that we just don't get the chance to experience the same moments in life twice. Although I may visit the same place twice, life is dynamic and constantly evolving into something new. I found that when I embrace change, as opposed to resisting it, my life is better. I'm less frustrated with circumstances or other people's reactions. I enjoy moments for exactly what they are instead of waiting for something new or different to arise.  I no longer have expectations of how a situation should be, the situation plays out and I find joy in whatever I am doing.

I feel like clothing is a way for me to express how I feel. Although I always try to ensure whatever I am wearing is appropriate for an activity - I also try to wear what I feel the most comfortable in. Since I was spending the day walking around, I thought wear a pair of comfy flats would make more sense. I wore one of my favorite dresses (last seen here) that is a soft peachy pink color. I love how this dress has a relaxed and romantic feel. I bought it last Fall, but you can find similar versions here and here.

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