Posts tagged Hiking
The Drink That Keeps Me Going on Long Hikes

Wow! I cannot believe it’s been almost two weeks since I wrote the last post on here. It’s been kind of a blur. Something really life-changing took place last week and created a positive shift in my life. I’ll be sharing more about the experience in the coming weeks, but one thing I’ve learned is to take some time to the first process. That’s exactly what I did yesterday. I took a few hours and went a few miles to clear my head and combat the stress I was feeling. Stress is stress even if it’s positive. When big things in life hit, give yourself a little breathing room. It’s okay. You don’t have to have all the answers. You’ll be able to work things out, but for now just process. I loaded up my backpack with water and snacks, grabbed my boots, and set off with my Mojo coffee in hand for an afternoon of getting lost in nature. It was so healing! Every time I do this, I come back as a better human being.

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Postcards from Palo Duro Canyon

On this trip, I layered a cream-colored turtleneck under a chunky knit color block sweater. Being able to layer and remove pieces as needed is always a key when hiking. I also sported a pair of sweater joggers and brought both my hiking shoes and a pair of sneakers. A must-have on a hiking trip is a good backpack and a pair of sunglasses. My recommendation is to get a pair that’s polarized to keep the glare down. For your backpack, lots of pockets help you stay organized and padding on the straps is a must-have. I always carry a few meal bars and a backup battery for my cell phone. If you can grab or print a paper map that’s a good idea. Most state and national parks have minimal cell phone services.

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How I Was Able to Overcome a Fear of Heights on Pike Peak's Summit

If you are new around here you probably should note that I still go on hikes often because I love the outdoors so dang much! After spending a few days in West Texas hiking and driving through both Caprock Canyons and Palo Duro Canyon I decided to head more north to celebrate New Year’s in Colorado Springs, CO. I’ve made several trips to Colorado over the years with friends but this was the first time alone. I decided that if I only did one epic activity it was to get to Pikes Peak Summit. I quickly researched the ways to get to the top - you can hike about 14 miles… um… no thank you. That’s pretty aggressive to get to one of the tallest peaks in the US. You can drive it but winds a lot and steep grades. It is Winter… and again… no thank you. Then, I stumbled across the train! You can take a three-hour round trip up 9 miles on a train to reach Pikes Peak Summit. That I could manage!

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Wrapped Up at Caprock Canyons

The week between Christmas and NYE is one of the weirdest weeks of the year. Days seem to blur together and there’s an overarching tone of “let’s put it off till next year” happening in business. I took this as an opportunity to travel to some of the places I’ve had on my bucket list for a while. I drove from College Station to Abilene on Sunday stopping to catch the sunset before grabbing dinner and retiring for the evening. You can check out that post and I’m wearing one show-stopping dress in this post. After leaving Abilene I made my way up through Caprock Canyons and then onto Amarillo, Texas for a few days. This whole area of the Texas Panhandle is like nothing I’ve seen before. I don’t recall ever making it through Amarillo in the past but it’s definitely a world of its own. Surrounded by so much nature! Great place for spending time on Lake Meredith, or hiking one of the toughest trails in Texas on Palo Duro Canyon. Either way, if you are an outdoors person this place is for you!

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Escape to Davy Crockett National Forest

This past year I’ve made it a goal to visit as many National and State Parks as possible. They house some of the most beautiful scenery! This season alone I visited Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Padre Island National Sea Shore, Hot Springs National Forest, and Davy Crockett National Forest. It’s so refreshing to get away from most people and wander the trails of nature. I’ve been able to experience things you just don’t get in the city around people. From driving 50 miles off-road to getting lost in the Fall foliage National Parks are the way to go!

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Seven Fall Worthy Locations for Camping and Hiking in Texas

Over the past few months I’ve gone hiking almost every single weekend. I love the feeling of getting outdoors and pushing my body! Although I live in a somewhat flat terrain in College Station, TX I’ve found with traveling a few hours away I can get a completely different geographical setting. This post includes a mix of day hikes, aggressive backpacking and camping ideas for Fall travels. If you are looking for something laid back and shaded I would try Davy Crockett National Forest or Mission Tejas State Park where the El Camino Real begins and dates back to the late 1600’s when the Spanish settled in Texas. For more aggressive hikes try Lost Maples State Natural Area or Goodwater Loop and Trail which both offer stepper terrain! For a waterfall sighting Crockett Gardens in Goodwater Loop and Trail along with Riverplace Nature Trail in Austin both offer a pretty sighting. Below you will find a list and photographs of actual travels over the past few months designed to restore your love for nature in Texas!

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Seven Fall Worthy Locations for Camping and Hiking in Texas

Over the past few months I’ve gone hiking almost every single weekend. I love the feeling of getting outdoors and pushing my body! Although I live in a somewhat flat terrain in College Station, TX I’ve found with traveling a few hours away I can get a completely different geographical setting. This post includes a mix of day hikes, aggressive backpacking and camping ideas for Fall travels. If you are looking for something laid back and shaded I would try Davy Crockett National Forest or Mission Tejas State Park where the El Camino Real begins and dates back to the late 1600’s when the Spanish settled in Texas. For more aggressive hikes try Lost Maples State Natural Area or Goodwater Loop and Trail which both offer stepper terrain! For a waterfall sighting Crockett Gardens in Goodwater Loop and Trail along with Riverplace Nature Trail in Austin both offer a pretty sighting. Below you will find a list and photographs of actual travels over the past few months designed to restore your love for nature in Texas!

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Escape to Nature

The past six weeks of my life have been filled with mostly work and taking care of my daughter. Sometimes it’s necessary to grind when you have a big goal you are going after. I’m currently working on saving enough money to purchase a home in cash and that requires a daily focus unlike anything I’ve ever done before. This week my energy was all around low. I was going to bed tired, awaking tired, and feeling tired most days. I knew right then it was time to break away from work and business building and escape to nature for a little renewal of the soul. I grabbed my dog, a few snacks, a thermos of iced coffee and set out to hit up one of our national parks. When I arrived, I was greeted with underbrush fires and immediately decided to turn around and find something else I could visit that was a safer situation. Washington-on-the-Brazos was the perfect location. It’s a beautiful 3.5 mile trek on our state’s birthplace. The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

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Restoring Yourself in Nature This Season

Let’s go ahead and just start with how this post can benefit everyone. I mean EVERYONE right now. Whether you want to admit it or not COVID-19 forever changed us and being stuck inside all the time is rough. Currently, I work from home and homeschool my child with virtual learning. By the end of the week my routines feel monotonous and I have an itch to go explore. For most of this past year I’ve taken day trips to surrounding areas like antique shopping or exploring near by honey and lavender farms. Every time I get a chance to leave I come back feeling renewed. I gain inspiration that carries me through the coming days and weeks. My soul literally feels more joy. Last weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Cedar Park on the north side of Austin. Our activities included being mostly outside and socially distant. At the end of the weekend she said this hike in St. Edwards Park was the best thing we did. Whether you face nature alone or take your loved ones, getting a little lost in nature is often times the refresher we all need to get us through the stressful times.

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