How to: Simplify Your Mornings

I remember a time when it used to take me well over an hour to get up, dressed and out the door. These days I tend to be able to get everything done and my daughter ready in less than half an hour. I thought I would share a few helpful hints for making life a little easier in the morning. More coffee and less worry!

  • Shower at night – I love to slip into my sheets feeling fresh and clean at night. Not only am I going to be in bed for 7-8 hours at minimum, it gives me extra time in the morning to get up and go. I usually pop out of bed, wash my face and brush my teeth to give me a jump start.
  • Lay everything out the night before – This one is such a time saver for me. When I do not lay out my clothing the night before for myself and my daughter… it really tacks on extra time to look for a matching purse or locate a pair of socks. In fact, to further save time layout a few outfits on Sunday night and Wednesday night so you don’t have to repeat daily.
  • Breakfast – We eat breakfast every day. The key is to know what you are going to eat before you wake up. Usually it’s fruit and yogurt or muesli for us. Sometimes we even do a quick smoothie. We like to keep it simple in this household and make things that take only a few minutes.
  • Lunch – Everyone is responsible for their own lunches. My daughter has healthy choices that we decide on at the beginning of the week. All she has to do is assemble in the morning and we go.
  • Hair and Makeup – If crunched for time I have a few quick braids (like this one or this one) that are my default for quick mornings. If I get behind, I simplify makeup down to mascara, lipstick, blush and concealer. Having a plan B makes it that much easier!
  • Coffee on the go – Prepare a cup to go and drink on the way to work or have a cup once you get to the office. By cutting out my first cup at the house, I realized I was saving so much more time!
  • Same order, every day – By doing things in a methodical routine you won’t forget as much. That way you don’t have to think about everything… you just get up and follow the routine. You can spend more time practicing being present than planning.

Although we do have mornings where we get behind, these are a few ways I’ve found to just simplify life. I get a little extra rest or have more time to read or write in the mornings. What are some of the ways that you guys make your mornings easier?