Posts tagged Life
One Year of Being Single

As I approach the one year mark of being single I realize how important this past year has been in regards to my personal growth. I am pretty sure this was the most significant jump in my entire life. After a huge breakup this time last year I decided before I spent any amount of time seeking a new relationship or even dating much for that matter, I would take time to unpeel the layers of my life and figure out why and how I got to where I was. My last relationship was pretty rough especially towards the end. We were going in significantly different directions and shared minimal life values. It was hard to break up but I knew at the time there was no other choice if I wanted to grow in my own life. I shared in a previous blog post - how to handle a major break up and more about my outlook in the post title how to be single over the holidays. Fast forward to this month where it officially ended a year ago. Here are my own reflections about how life improved, what changed in my perspective and some tips for growth in your own life.

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Five Things I Wish I Could Tell My 20-Year-Old Self

I recently shared this topic on a Facebook live for International Women’s Day and thought about how impactful the advice I would give to my younger self may have on others! Although there are many things I wish I knew at an earlier age but looking back the biggest thing I would have changed was learning to trust my gut. To just block out all of the white noise around me and listen to my inner voice. I also wish I had implemented a skincare regimen much earlier and taken better care of things like my teeth. But as we all live and learn, the list of self advice continues to grow. Here are five things I wish I could tell my 20-year-old self:

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When is it Enough?

Today’s topic is heavy, but necessary after I realized that even the biggest and most successful people struggle with this issue: The Issue of Not Being Good Enough. I was watching the gorgeous Taylor Swift yesterday as she narrates her documentary on fame, success and her own journey through life’s toughest moments in front of millions of people. Heck - Taylor reaches billions at this point. Throughout the course of the film she shares issues with having an eating disorder, mental challenges, loneliness and the struggles of reaching the top. Needless to say I was pretty moved at three pm sitting on my sofa and tearing up like a gigantic baby. She’s right. All of those are real issues and they share a single common denominator: self-worth.

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