Last Weeks of Summer

Romper: Target (similar here and here) // Shoes: Old Navy (no longer available, similar here) // Hat: BP // Tote: Target (on sale here) // Sunnies: Betsey Johnson

Summer is approaching an end in just a few weeks and while everyone is talking about NYFW, I'm still soaking up the last days of summer. This summer was a remarkable time in my life. I had the opportunity to travel, spend time with loved ones, soul search even... There's a part of me that doesn't want it to end. Although I love Fall and Winter and cold weather and everything about the changing of the seasons, I feel like I've been on a journey over the past few months that will leave marks on my life... sometimes it's sad to let times change.

Each season brings something new in my life - whether it's new experiences, people, places or just new moments. I'm really grateful for all of it, but I'm not in a hurry to just move on to the next thing. If there is one thing I really took away from this past summer it was just sitting still and being in the moment. My mind has such a tendency to jump to the "next" thing that I can sometimes miss out on the present. I've been trying to focus on just living in the day at hand.

It has really helped me worry less. (And I'm quite the worrier) As soon as my brain starts going down the worry wormhole, I try to reel it back by thinking, You don't have to take this on. You just have to worry about sun up to sun down. The rest will come in time. It's not always an easy thing to do. In fact, it takes an immense amount of effort and focus to not worry about the tomorrow. But I can't take on the tomorrow. It's too heavy. It's too much. I can only plan so far. And worrying doesn't help.

I spent a few minutes walking along the water enjoying the sun bounce golden rays off the water. Watching the light dance across the waves and feeling the warmth of the last of our summer weeks on my skin. I hope that as the weekend approaches you take advantage of the beautiful weather and soak up summers last sunshine.

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